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It is Time. Soul Mission Activation

Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ It is Time. Soul Mission Activation

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the Love. I am come bringing Love and Light on the collective consciousness of Humanity. The energies of the 11~11 Portal ignite the “Completion Energies” of The Ascension of GAIA, Twin Flame Reunions, The New Earth Story and so much more. The energetic point that finalizes these energies will be 12~21. Keep in your hearts Dear Ones, this is a multi-dimensional orchestration as is The Divine Plan. It is through the hearts that you develop and access the inner knowing of what is happening within you as well as outside of you. More transformations and revelations are before you during these profound and climatic moments. This planet Belongs to LOVE and those in the Heat Know This Truth. LOVE HAS WON!
Many Lightworkers have always wondered their purpose here on Our beloved Planet Earth. In truth, Being in the Present Moment of Now is the initial mission. When you are Present, you are in your natural state, your Prime Element of Beingness, which is Unconditional Love. It is here, that the ego-mind can not distract, take over or infiltrate You. The “Powers Who Weren’t” knew this truth. Hence why their infiltration and attacks upon you were so severe. The mind serves as a back door for them to infiltrate the human collective. They wish to keep you in the mind so they may continue the old 3D paradigm and usurp the energies of Humanity as food. You can Not balance what is meant to be imbalanced. and that is the Mind.
The Soul is the purest essence of Unconditional Love, which is who YOU ARE. It is your soul that guides you along your journey amongst the many star families, angels, elementals and more. If you have wondered why your missions couldn’t have ignited sooner is simply, your ego-minds (EGO=Edging God Out) was blocking divine intelligence, which is your Soul. As many know now the immense transformation process of your journey back home into the Heart, it has become easier to identify the fallacies of the programmed ego mind. Awareness = Consciousness Dear Ones. Once you are aware of the imbalances, you can transform them. Utilizing your Golden Rainbow swords on lower consciousness thoughts and energies that tries to lower your Joy will assist you greatly. Also, St Germain’s Violet Flame is always at your access for transforming the ego-mind, lower conscious thought and energies.
As your transform these energies, you are able to anchor in higher consciousness within your vessel and into our beloved Gaia. Your Soul comes online. You enter Unity Consciousness. The “I AM” becomes “WE ARE”. Those still in self-importance, in the “Lone Wolf” programming, or still hanging on to the mind, can not access Unity Consciousness, receive the up and coming Light Codes, nor be in 5D Frequencies. Honor their choice and move forward. Your Heart will not lead you astray. It is your Soul that knows what lies next in your Journey.
I would like to Bring to your Awareness, the importance of Grounding. Grounding is vital on the Ascension Journey. If you are not grounded, you can not anchor in higher consciousness, nor can you pour your energies into GAIA as well as receive the healing energies of GAIA. We notice the collective Feminine and those lacking meat in their diets are very ungrounded. Some of the symptoms you may experience are; headaches, migraines, vertigo, nausea, stomach issues, spaced out, reactive, emotional imbalances and much more. Gaia has provided tools to assist with grounding such as; natural tobacco, coffee, beer and meat. Let go of any belief systems with food. The nutrients within meat help to connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain together to then fully connect with the heart. It is the brain (not the mind) and heart working in unison which opens up to psychic abilities, telepathy, healing and more. Tune into your body as she knows what nutrients are best to better integrate these energies and greatly lessen any discomfort. Your body is Divine Intelligence. Tree Meditation assists greatly with grounding. However, if your body is malnourished, the trees can do little to assist with grounding and energy integration.

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