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This is the theme that will probably be the most important one over the next ten years. Let me be misled.
If we approach this question from the point of view of Universal unity, it is obvious that there can not be a healthy person who is in disharmony with this unity. Said directly, all illnesses and misfortunes of humans are always the result of a conflict of the individual with the surrounding and surrounding space. Too much pride, aggression, vengeance, escape, alienation and indifference are the main causes of misfortune and poor health. Human behavior often resembles an attempt to stop hands, a fast-moving train. For this, do not forget the multi-dimensional space, there are saved records of our relationships for a very long period of time. This is remembered by very few people and they only take into account their understanding and the relations accumulated during this life. As a result – eternal health problems.
To protect yourself from these problems, you might want to think about the following issues:
  • The meaning of being. This knowledge will keep you from trying to go against the current, and if you still prefer to be against the current, at least do not blame other people for your choice.
  • To reduce conflicts with the Whole, you need to purposefully limit the value of your own personality and redirect your attention beyond your own interests. Remember: you can not live alone, as others seem to be of little importance to you. The benevolent interest, love, compassion, without intrusion, are the necessary connection with the Whole, and if you can develop these qualities sufficiently steadily, I guarantee you very good health. Of course, for a long time, you will still react painfully to the different disharmonic processes in space, which are most often expressed as sudden pains in the area of ​​energy centers, but this is not a disease but a bad defense (insufficient energy) that if you follow the right direction , will eventually disappear.
  • Remember the existence of karma – karma is not a whim of evil gods and old witches. Karma is a natural physical law and is a normal energy response. Each of your actions changes energy states and invariably causes response. Do not imagine that if you do not notice these reactions, they do not exist – in most cases, the results occur in time as a consequence of accumulation. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand the causes of the painful reaction. Those you understand are most often just the drop that overflows the cup. For these reasons, it is desirable to build a conscientiously good-minded attitude towards all those who cause you evil. Kill your thoughts that you are the victim of evil will, everything is always the result. Every rule has an exception, but you better forget about it.
 Another major source of illness and suffering is the contemporary level of mass consciousness. Excessive technology and chemistry have invariably done their damage. The space is saturated with radiations, the ingredients of which are far from the natural background, and as they are energy, they invariably cause an effect that is too weak to be obvious. But over time, the effect builds up and when it’s already done it becomes very difficult to treat. I would recommend to all people, especially those living in large cities, to go out more often to nature. This achieves several goals: the physical load stimulates the work of the excretory system, the natural, pure natural energy background somewhat neutralizes the harmful consequences of damage caused by brown gas (the accumulated space and thoughts and emotions of people – especially dense in large settlements), the energy reserves of the human being are restored and, consequently, the body’s defense powers . All these effects are as strong as the higher altitude level you reach and you are further away from the populated areas. The strongest effect is on the mountain peaks, where thanks to the pyramid’s properties an energy focus is obtained.
Food, of course, is one of the important determinants of health. First of all, it is the harmonious (varied) diet – avoid your preference for certain foods. It’s hard to realize, but try. Uniform (ascetic) nutrition is possible in a strong, well-motivated and consistent desire (and reaching a certain energy level) – then the body adapts itself and begins to synthesize its shortage compounds alone. But if you are not convinced of the benefits of certain limitations and you consider it to be violent, you better opt out, you will inevitably get some illness.
When it does not overdo certain types of foods, the following no less harmful factor should be considered. It results from the natural decomposition of the products. It begins after the material body is left out of the subtle energy bodies. Then the food product becomes vulnerable to the different types of bacteria that feed on such tissues. Overdelivery of these bacteria (under the appropriate conditions) leads to the attack of the human organism, and it is very important to remember that the bacteria themselves are not harmful, but the waste of their lives, which the excretory system fails to manage. Therefore, avoid disinfecting your body as modern medicine recommends (this also disturbs the natural balance). It is preferable to consider the harmfulness of the products, give your preference to slow decomposing products and quickly reduce decomposers – so relieve your excretory system. This rule is very important for people who get rid of their food less frequently than once a day. The longer the time a product spends in your body, the more harmful the effect is – the body temperature is optimal for the development of the bacteria and when they have adequate food and enough time for breeding and development … the consequences are countless.
Plants leave their material body at a slower pace – the speed depends on the degree of consciousness development, the more a consciousness develops, the more it can more actively influence the energy processes. Therefore, plant products are most innocuous as food, the fruit being the most durable, especially the seeds (nuts). Animal foods are quickly decomposing and, of course, much more harmful, so be especially careful with them. Relatively lesser are the lower animals: water dwellers (fish) and birds. Their level of consciousness is entirely in the incipient state and they can not leave the physical body as fast as the higher animals do.
As a treatment of the foodstuffs, the dried and partially smoked products are the least dangerous for health. With the right technology, they conserve a large part of the energy bodies. Remember, each heat treatment speeds up the energy separation process multiple times and therefore accelerates the process of decomposition many times. Therefore, avoid storing heat-treated foods – freezing reduces the favorable conditions for bacterial growth, but does not interrupt decomposition.
Very important is the psychological state at the time of feeding. You may have read or heard that a specific enzyme is needed to process each type of food. Exactly on the choice of digestive enzymes directly affects the mental state and the targeted attention. If you eat with pleasure and good mood, you contribute to the right choice of enzymes, resulting in maximum benefit from food. If you turn food into a sacred act and extend your gratitude to the Higher, you will turn any food into a medicine. But if your thoughts are far from what you are doing, reading something or watching TV, you reduce the accuracy of enzyme selection, and the benefit of food decreases. If at the time of eating you are in a bad mood, depressed, scared or watching violent scenes on television, then the enzymes are quite inappropriate for the food, and they can extract poisonous ingredients from the products that the right enzymes pass. These poisons are very weak and in small quantities but can accumulate in the body and inevitably affect the health.
A few words about the exciting many people question the extra pounds. Ideal weight is always the result of equilibrium (harmony). Every harmony is a consequence of the combination of many factors, their complementarity and the absence of dominance. Do not be fooled by elementary explanations – reality is always more complex than can be imagined by human imagination. Ultimate views are always visible in appearance as well. Weak or full-fledged people are such that they have stumbled in some direction. Changing the pounds talks about changing consciousness. Continuous maintenance of abnormal kilograms is also an equilibrium – the abnormal development of some factors is at the expense of the underdevelopment of others.
Two main types of energies can be identified: electricity and magnetism. Harmony is achieved in their equilibrium. When electricity is over, the body gradually dries up. We have the upper hand of reason over feelings. This, in addition to dynamizing the processes in the body, has another very important element: consciousness is less sensitive to different feelings and feelings (but not to the same extent) for example: such a person is much less aware that he is hungry and accordingly much he searches for food. The opposite: a person with predominant magnetism is overweight because of the phlegmatic separation system and the overwhelming sense of reason makes him look limp – he can not effectively resist his wishes. That’s why he’s eating quite often (even a small amount) or a gourmet. No reasonable argument has enough convincing force in the face of desires. The cardinal solution to the problem of overweight is awareness of the abnormal priority of feelings. The stronger your desire to listen to reasoning, the faster you will get a visible result. Do not think you can not handle the problem. It all depends on patience – there are no eternal problems, there are not enough convinced seekers. that you can not handle the problem. It all depends on patience – there are no eternal problems, there are not enough convinced seekers. that you can not handle the problem. It all depends on patience – there are no eternal problems, there are not enough convinced seekers.
About water. As one of the most commonly used consumables, we can not ignore it, even though at first glance everything is clear. In summary, we can distinguish two types of water: living and dead. Living water is loaded with maximum energy and the dead is minimal. The most vivid (most useful, curative) is when spring water is left for an hour or two in the sun and then used, but it is inappropriate to stay longer. Water can also be charged by the willful effort of a person with a pass or concentration. Water, which has been in the sun for more than 24 hours, can now be considered as more harmful than useful for the following reasons: cosmic particles accumulate in the water, and because of its short life, many bacteria and other inferior organisms degrade . For this reason, water from the melting of snow or glaciers is not recommended. Good spring water, which has undergone natural filtration and is loaded with earth magnetism. .
Dead water is boiled water – after cooling, u remains very little energy. It can also be useful for treating over-excited (inflamed) body areas.
It is desirable to aspire to assimilation of conscious and voluntary self-healing. A basic technique is the ability of consciousness to manage energies – the availability of will. As I have already mentioned, the positive attitude gives energy to the subject of attention and the negative attitude takes away. Using these options provides an extremely powerful tool for regulating the human body. Most of the problems in the material body result from a lack of energy in any area (organ) or throughout the body. If you can concentrate on the place where you feel the pain and the thought of it with love, you realize that you are not careful about your material body, you will be very pleasantly surprised – the pain disappears in most cases, instantly, like a knife cut. Although rarely such an energy delivery can also produce a reverse effect – the pain will intensify. This indicates that the site (organ) is overstretched, and adding extra energy strengthens even more excitement (possibly inflammation). Inflammation also occurs as a result of the chemical irritation caused by the activity of microorganisms that have received a favorable development environment due to the reduced energy protection of the site – purulent wounds. In cases of energy overcrowding it is appropriate to direct negative thoughts in order to take energy and calm the excitement. But always be cautious, remember that the successful drug consists above all in the dose, not just the right principle. Also, avoid using the method of lying or not. Whenever you use energy, you do not create it, but redirect it from one place to another. It is possible, by solving one problem, to open another. .
Even less often, this method may not have the necessary effect. This is not a flaw in the method, but an indication that the reasons are from a level you can not influence.
Equally successfully, the method can be used to treat other people. But as always I call for caution. You can not have an objective judgment on the causes that have given rise to the suffering in question, and the intervention in the case of incorrect judgment is a bearish service. Trying to help, you can really make a lifeless life a reality. Do not forget, nothing happens by accident.
Sometimes the pains in the area of ​​an energy center (chakra) are the result of the negative thoughts of someone with whom a conflict situation has occurred. Neutralize the impact by sending positive thoughts to the cause of your suffering. Do not try to guess who it can be, because the assumption may be wrong, and there is a real danger of subconsciously trying to get revenge.
The pains resulting from the blockage of some type of energy in a particular area of ​​the body are not rare. These are due to over-tension in a particular organ, most often muscle or prolonged immobilization (during sleep), and so on. The most common for these reasons are spine pains – as the main energy motorway, the obstructions in it cause a very painful effect. It is cured with the conscious effort to move energy in all possible directions, through physical movement of the body, by concentration or by massages and passages.
From the energies that human consciousness can handle, the thought is the strongest. So be sure to use it to harmonize your existence. This is through self-immolation. Properly formulated (avoid expressions generated by the particle NO) can be used to solve all your problems. The sincere desire gives strength, and the repetition accumulates the effect of self-immolation – the rest is a matter of patience. Through this method you can handle your shortcomings, correct mistakes, change your appearance and reduce or prevent karmic consequences. Naturally there is one big BUTyou have to find the real reasons for creating your problems Begin first with your attitude to the Whole and the extent to which your personal interests allow you to be interested in others – never decide that you pay enough attention to people around you may still – improve quality.
Thousands of healing methods are known in human history. But they all play the role of fine regulators of the body. Quite often, when they are on time, they do the job if the root cause – the relationship with the whole is restored to a minimum. But if this relationship is heavily neglected, all the healing methods give a mediocre result, or as more often happens, a disease subsides to start a new one even more severely. Do not be deceived if a person is healing for a long time and remains in good health for a long time. Lessons of life and karmic payment can be done in many different ways, rarely health problems are the best method.
All this I write not to refuse to look for relief from your suffering. You have to think very seriously about the root of your problems and whether it is in principle possible for others (doctors, healers) to decide for you. Stop passively expecting the miracle – it will only come if you are ready (deserved) for it. Review your value system, is not it time to change a lot? And most importantly, do not expect that once decided, everything will change. Save yourself with patience – most of your shortcomings have been accumulated for millennia.
It may have been more than a year since I began to consider completing this chapter. The questions I wanted to stop are quite a bit difficult to formulate briefly and clearly. But at the end of March (2005) they sent me the bookDr. Atanas Galabov “World conspiracy against health “, in which it was very detailed and reasoned what I wanted to briefly include in this chapter. Since I can not write it better, for which I do a low bow to the courage and work done by Dr. Galabov, I decided to give you the opportunity to personally get to know this very important book. (To forgive Dr. Galabov the arbitrariness, but in addition to the places he considered important and emphasized them, I decided to emphasize some more by marking them in red.) As a reason for health to become a disease, Mr. Galabov believes the thirst for profits of global pharmaceutical giants. But I think the main reason is that people have forgotten to think. We are programmed that money is the most important thing in life and many people tend to downplay crimes for profit, regardless of the consequences on their own back. A zombie person is very unconscious that he is zombie and very difficult to overcome the programs he has in his life since birth. Therefore, as far as possible, talk about these issues and turn people’s attention constantly on them to start waking up and taking responsibility for their own being.
What is missing in Dr. Galabov’s book is the state of the health system in Bulgaria. I believe that, as it is built at the moment, it is totally absurd and meaningless, and it contributes to all that Dr. Galabov wrote. The current health system is made by the Doctors’ Union and is entirely in the interest of the medics. And those who have to protect patients’ rights once again proved that they are just wage figures. What to do – zombies who are only interested in their own profits. Can a person who pays a whispering letter and not have the right to decide how to spend his money? In my view, there are two possible options at this stage: in the established health system, the payment of the GP, when one of his patients becomes ill or the system is reworked on the principle of health insurance and the PATIENT alone can decide who to pay from his health bill. Both variants have many disadvantages that arise most from the fact that people do not think. But the awakening of the people is slow and very difficult, and only when half the people of the Earth begin to think, only then will the revival of true medicine begin.

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