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Self-esteem determines all life-existence. Creates goals and realizes them. It is the basis of all human relationships. In general, it is the basis of every person.
Self-esteem is built from an early age, and if parents and relatives look at the child as a clean sheet of paper that he does not understand, he inadvertently conjures him and creates a complex. Later on, this process is reinforced in educational establishments whose only purpose is to imply that he can not only know something if someone else has not told him – that is, in a few words, the mechanism that creates the zombie automata . And the growing person begins to imitate the majority to match the standards and the others are happy, but it makes his life go mad and is increasingly depressed, and is looking for salvation in alcohol and drugs. Increasingly, they are revolting against this system, and so on. “Hard children,” but because they are programmed to not believe, they do not find a satisfying exit, only trying to destroy. And all of them are massively trying to impose shame and guilt, which destroys them even more, creating even more complexes and insecurity in themselves.
I have to repeat, imitation of the majority is necessary for young souls – so gain experience, trying to emulate this or the one that attracts them. Most often imitation is a consequence of the accumulated suggestions of SMIs, of movies, of the friends they want to communicate with idols / idols they like. So they put on a mask / play a role to compensate for their complexes and meet the expectations of others.
The conscious mask creates the vanity: it is a constant internal need to prove and highlight to mute the deeply seduced sense of inferiority. Especially massive in so-called. “Artistic environments” and the intelligentsia in general – everyone is the most and the most. This, of course, is a consequence of the lack of energy and the struggle for survival. However, the lower the self-esteem, the more human is more dependent on the other’s opinion, and he is so loud and stubborn in his efforts to convince others that it is “the big deal”. There are, of course, old souls, masters in the chosen area, but these are units, and all others are apprentices / trainees.
I have to mention that vanity / masks / in roles are very sensuous because their low self-esteem is on the brink of survival and any negative or disrespectful attitude threatens to put them in an even bigger crisis, so they defend themselves fiercely. Such crowded nose complexes are treated very hard because they do not trust and imitate the flock. Now, with change, there is hope for them, too, the majority is gradually changing, which also affects individuals dependent on mass consciousness.
The enormous conviction that the truth is only one creates some complexity and insecurity for all people because they constantly observe in their lives that the truth is multifaceted and the mass conviction forces them to seek only the “true truth” on which to rely. It throws them constantly from one extremity to another, causing countless suffering and conflicts.
It should also be borne in mind that low self-esteem is much more open to evolution and change than the high, which does not want to change its status at all, as well as everything in its life – it can help to realize its own problems and attitudes.
Another source of persistent suffering from energy shortages is the massive racing and comparing program that directly affects self-esteem. Shortage of energy is felt as a shortage of resources needed for survival. This deficiency creates the belief that it will only be for the best, the most capable, the most piercing, and this transforms human life into a constant competition / competition, broadcasting favorites, and all others are outsiders, respectively, with high and low self-esteem. But most favorites are also drug addicts, which is indicative that the goal achieved does not bring them satisfaction, they waste their lives in vain. Outsiders are furnished with a great deal of programs that make them envious, cunning, subtle and stealing, as well as careers and winners at all costs and many other qualities of that kind, provoked by the survival instinct. But now energy is rising repeatedly, the feeling of resource shortages disappears, so survival is meaningless. Evolution calls for a rapid adaptation to change that is directly related to self-esteem and rescue from old programs / attitudes / beliefs.
How can this happen? Above all, it is necessary to realize the axiom that “all in the flock can not be wrong”, that it is a suggestion, turning people into obedient slaves, into zombie machines to serve one’s interests. Without realizing the inconsistency of the mass consciousness about the changes, man can not change his orients / criteria, respectively, can not re-think his life and abandon all the old problems. To do this, he must begin to pay attention to his own desires and needs, to think how he can realize his dreams, what would make him happy – this is a fulfilled life with meaning and content that excludes any depression and dissatisfaction, as well as low self-esteem. But there must be very serious work here: you have to separate very clearly the values ​​imposed by the mass consciousness from those that you really want. Mass values ​​are the program of the mind, and your personal ones are the innermost desires of your soul – this must be realized very clearly and clearly to exclude the effect of old suggestions.

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