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Dehydration: what is the threat and how to solve the problem

Dehydration: what is the threat and how to solve the problem

Chronic dehydration can cause health problems. We enjoy drinking tea, coffee and other drinks throughout the day, believing that in this way we replenish the lack of fluid in the body. In fact, the problem of dehydration is solved in a different way.
Low–grade chronic dehydration is a fairly common condition. And many people live with it, not paying attention to the fact that the body is experiencing a shortage of water. In addition to chronic dehydration, it happens that people are born with this problem.
How to provide the body with water
Factors of dehydration of the body
The lack of sufficient drinking water, fresh fruits, vegetables and leafy greens in the diet is the basis of dehydration.
What else contributes to fluid deficiency in the body?
Toxic agents and pathogens.
Insufficient liver function.
A diet with an abundance of fats, proteins, salt and ready-made food.
Passion for coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, vinegar.
What is the risk of chronic dehydration
The blood becomes thick and dirty.
It makes natural cleansing of the body impossible.
It favors the pathogenic microflora.
Dehydration goes hand in hand with high blood pressure, strokes, headaches, migraines, dry eye syndrome, dark circles under the eyes.
In cases such as stroke/heart attack, chronic dehydration can play a crucial role.
Dehydration: what is the threat and how to solve the problem
How to solve the problem of chronic dehydration?
Living water can be obtained from such sources:
Lemon / lime water (useful on an empty stomach in the morning after waking up).
Lemon water recipe
We will need the components:
half a lemon,
2 cups of drinking water.
Squeeze half a lemon into the water and drink in the morning. The drink can be consumed during the day.
Celery juice.
Celery Juice Recipe
We will need the components:
1 large bunch of celery
Wash the celery and pass it through a juicer. The drink is ready.
You can chop the celery and cook it into a homogeneous mass in a blender, strain it.
Cucumber juice.
Cucumber juice recipe
We will need the components:
2 large cucumbers
Washed cucumbers are passed through a juicer. If there is no juicer, you can cut cucumbers, make a homogeneous mass from them and strain through a fine sieve / gauze.
To achieve maximum effect, drinks are drunk immediately after cooking (preferably on an empty stomach).
Other fruit, green and vegetable juices.
Coconut water.
In addition, it is useful to consume more fresh fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, while reducing the proportion of fats, animal or vegetable proteins, salt, cooked food, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages.
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