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How to behave correctly during an argument

How to behave correctly during an argument

Quarrels are inevitable in any, even the happiest family. Not everyone can control themselves in conflict. Usually a family scandal is accompanied by mutual reproaches, insults and even insults. All this is far from helping to strengthen the relationship. How to quarrel correctly in order to get out of the conflict with minimal losses.
How to quarrel properly
Don’t put it off
It is better not to be silent if you do not like something in a relationship with a friend, lover or spouse. The understatement accumulates, and you will “explode” at the most inopportune moment. It is better to solve problems as they come in. If you are not satisfied with something, tell me about it immediately. Minor problems are easier to settle than a long-brewing conflict.
Write down the claims
When we figure things out, excitement often prevents us from having a thoughtful dialogue. As a result, we switch to the exchange of insults and reproaches. If you formulate your claims against your opponent in advance and even write them down on paper, they will look logical and justified.
Be able to listen
A family quarrel is not a one–man show. Let the other side make their arguments. Perhaps your confidence in your rightness will be shaken.
1 dialogue – 1 problem
It’s not worth lumping all the problems together. When there are a lot of painful moments, it is wiser to devote a separate conversation to each of them. Your husband doesn’t earn enough, plus he throws things all over the room. It is better not to interfere with two problems that are incompatible in scale and nature. Find out about the scattered things first, and tomorrow move on to another question.
How to behave correctly during an argument: 10 golden tips
Don’t call me names!
Insulting and humiliating an opponent will not solve the problem. Probably, after you cool down, you will regret what you said yourself.
No comparisons
Comparing with someone else in a conflict most often puts your opponent in an unfavorable light. It can cause psychological trauma to a person.
Your solution to the problem
It’s easy to make claims. It is more difficult to find a solution to the problem. In the process of conflict, offer your opponent acceptable ways to resolve the issue.
Quarreling without witnesses
It is not necessary to sort things out in the presence of third parties. Relationships are personal. And a conflict situation that has unnecessary witnesses can be humiliating for both you and your partner.
If, while clarifying the relationship, you have come to understand that you were wrong, find the courage to admit it and apologize. Especially if you started the quarrel yourself.
Is there a need for a quarrel?
Before an incipient quarrel, it is better to weigh the arguments for and against. Perhaps you are simply at the mercy of emotions? And the next day, the situation will not seem so problematic to you.
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