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Four suns rose over Canada at once

Four suns rose over Canada at once A Canadian couple made an unusual discovery when they spotted four huge UFOs glowing “as bright as the sun” over a local river.
Justin Stevenson and his wife Danielle Daniels-Stevenson were driving through Fort Alexander around 10 p.m. According to them, they saw several mysterious balls with yellow lights hovering over the Winnipeg River.
Stevenson, 49, began filming the space-cool spectacle while wondering if he was witnessing an alien encounter.
“What the hell is this?” – You can hear Justin’s remark on the video recording. “Yo, I think we’re seeing some aliens!”
The stunning footage shows two sun-like objects flying south over the north bank of the river before two more appear behind a cloud.
“It felt like we were in a sci-fi movie,” Justin told Kennedy News and Media. “They were very bright, like fire in the sky.”
“I was skeptical about anything UFO-related before I saw this, but now it has given me the proof I needed that there is something other than humans. Skeptics can, of course, have their own opinion, but I don’t care about it now,” Justin said.
The Big The One Editor’s Note: Although the video is interesting in itself, Justin said well about the skeptics. Next in line are the Nibiru skeptics, who will also feel like they are in a science fiction movie. Only this will be a disaster film, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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