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June 27

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Status of Communes in Transition)
June 27, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about how, at first, the communes of the Fifth Dimension will coexist with the system of the three-dimensional world.
As already mentioned in my messages, the building of the society of the future will begin with the islands of the Fifth Dimension, which will be communities of like-minded people who are on the same level of vibrations.
Gradually, as the world of the third dimension recedes into the past, such islands will begin to reclaim more and more space on Earth, until your entire planet turns into a single highly vibrational space of the Fifth Dimension.
I know that some of you associate the word “commune” with something backward, archaic, almost primitive – a word devoid of the benefits of civilization.
In fact, this is not the case. Of course, you will continue to use everything you are used to.
And moreover, new technologies that have been hidden from humanity by globalists for a while will come to your aid.
As for your galactic brothers, contact with them will take place only when the vast majority of Earth’s inhabitants are ready for it.
Otherwise, their appearance on the physical plane can have the opposite effect, causing panic and fear in society, which the puppets of the deep state, still clinging to power, will not fail to take advantage of.
But let’s return to the practical side of the issue.
What status will the communes you are creating have?
In fact, it is quite official, since it is already possible to find legally justified free formations of people engaged in one or another professional activity, independent of the state.
They are called differently in different countries, but in any case, if desired, with the help of experienced lawyers, you can protect yourself from the arbitrariness of officials.
And of course, no one can forbid you to use the services of public and private enterprises like all other citizens of your countries.
The only difference between you will be that the fruits of your labor will belong to the commune and be distributed within it, and not go to the market, unless you yourself find it useful for yourself and your commune.
Already in many countries there are associations that are close in their structure to the communes of the future.
But so far they are united by the purely material needs of the people who enter them.
These are mainly agricultural cooperatives and small craft enterprises established with the aim of selling their products on the domestic and foreign markets.
As for the communes of the future, spiritual community and the creation of a harmonious union of highly vibrational people, whose goal is to build a new society of the Fifth Dimension on Earth, come to the fore.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 27 June, 2024.
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