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The days of the sun or the meeting of the three of you

Fairy tale. The days of the sun or the meeting of the three of you

Author: Nina Sumire

What to do when you don’t want to live as before, but how to live in a new way – you don’t know yet or you don’t dare? How to make this transition consciously? That’s what our fairy tale is about.
It is said that on solstice days it is much easier, softer and easier to realize happy changes in your life.
And so. It was on one of these magical days that a real miracle happened to the heroine of our fairy tale story — the meeting of three “her”: past, present and future.
She-the past one was very strong, vividly manifested, confidently, out of habit guiding her-the present one, who, in turn, until now, until this time, unconsciously allowed herself to be controlled, namely by her decisions, her choices, her reactions and preferences.
And that’s why this is the real thing — it was an exact copy of the past in which our heroine was stuck, in her behavior scenarios, in repetitive situations, in the same emotions, in the same lifestyle. She did not live in the present, did not learn from her experience (because she repeated the same “mistakes” time after time), did not change (her subconscious protected her in every possible way from change “thanks” to her benefits and objections), did not develop (justifying her “groundhog days”), did not improve (expecting changes from surrounding people). That’s why the future version of her was almost invisible, without imagery, voiceless, insensitive, which had neither a specific dream nor clearly defined goals.
What should we do? How to heal your past, how to start living in the present and create, create, imagine the happy reality of the future?
It was at this moment — the moment of a strong surge from a wish made during the solstice — that an energy ball appeared, which helped to find solutions to the situation.
This golden-heavenly-magic ball through the heart of our heroine gave the first two clues:
– to thank the past by finding the maximum number of facts and reasons. It means accepting the gifts of the past. Thank you for what was wonderful, what was an inspiration, what turned into resource memories; for the difficulties that awakened a dormant personal potential; for what did not come true (and thank God!); for what came true, but in a different way, more completely, and everything was for the best; to thank all the participants-teachers, God; to thank for the presented opportunities, tips and timely help; for the disappointments that healed from dangerous illusions.
– through the art of therapeutic observations, let go of the past, depriving it of the power of negative influence through healing questions: Who made this decision for me? Who made the choice? Who made this conclusion? Is this my wish? Who did that? Who wants to do that? Who feels it? Why do I need this? Who in me reacted like that? Whose goal is this? Whose values are these? Why did it happen again? How else can you act, say, react? What choice do I have? What does this teach me? What does this situation warn you about?
Next, the miracle ball gave two more tips for creating the foundation for a consciously happy future:
– modeling reality on a subtle plane — a state of trust in God; thinking about the consequences of each of your words, actions, and every idea; turning every dream into a specific goal, and goals into a task, and tasks into a plan that consists of daily, small, easy, logical steps; obtaining relevant knowledge that heals fate;
– Actions to answer questions: what can I do today, right now, with love to achieve my goals; what can I create that is beautiful, useful for others; what can I bring to this world that is kind, eternal; how can I put Knowledge into practice; how can I shine today?
So on this magical day, the heroine of our fairy tale story made the transition from the past to the present, learned how to do magic, create an increasingly happy, amazing, and most importantly – conscious reality at every moment of her life. What he wants for everyone!
I wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire
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