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Teeth are connected to internal organs

Teeth are connected to internal organs: how to detect problems

Even in ancient times, it was known that the human body is a harmonious system in which clear relationships can be traced. All our organs are connected to each other, and disorders in the work of one of them affect the functions of others.
If you suffer from TOOTHACHE, then treat it with attention, perhaps it indicates that failures in certain organs have begun.
Teeth and energy channels of the human body
Oriental acupuncture specialists are sure that each tooth corresponds to an internal organ or an entire system. Vital energy circulates throughout the body and interacts with different parts of the body, so toothache can be a manifestation of pathology in any human organ. For example, condition 4 of the root affects the muscles of the chest or lung tissue.
Dentists know the facts when a patient complains of soreness in those teeth that have long been removed. Such phantom pains only confirm the close relationship of the oral cavity with organs along a certain meridian, because something that no longer exists cannot cause painful sensations.
However, the bodies with which there was a connection can declare their problems in this way. Most doctors are confident that the health of the entire oral cavity seriously affects the well-being of the entire body.
Teeth as sense organs
Dental research has long confirmed that teeth belong to the human senses. For example, during eating, mechanical receptors in the tooth tissue regulate nervous activity. With their help, the force and speed of chewing products are controlled, binding impulses are sent to the cerebral cortex. The tissue that fills the cavity in the tooth contains particles of mechanical receptors – organs that respond to stimulation by vibration or pressure.
Teeth are not a passive system. They take part in the processes of the nervous system, send tactile information that stimulates various biological reactions. Finnish scientists have concluded that the same genes are responsible for the development of teeth and other organs. And they may even indicate the risk of neoplasms in humans, after some long time.
For example, scientists have found that there is a relationship between microorganisms in the dental tissue and neoplasms in the mammary glands, and prolonged infectious processes often provoke the development of cardiac pathologies and vascular disorders. In addition, they can lead to stroke and problems in the reproductive system.
The connection of teeth with certain meridians
The close relationship between dental diseases and the condition of internal organs indicates that disorders in the body will affect the condition of the oral cavity. The appearance of pain in the teeth cannot yet confidently indicate failures in the work of a particular organ, but this is an occasion to pay close attention to health and if they continue, it is recommended to undergo an examination.
Connections of teeth and organs:
kidneys, liver and gallbladder – with incisors and canines;
large intestine and stomach – front molars and large molars;
the central nervous system, the heart – wisdom teeth.
Toothache and diseases:
pain in the first incisors – inflammation in the glands or infection in the prostate gland;
upper and lower incisors – infections in the kidneys, bladder, otitis media;
in the canines – hepatitis and cholecystitis;
pain in the front molars – allergies, dysbiosis, pneumonia, colitis;
molars – anemia, diseases and ulcers in the digestive tract, chronic inflammation in various organs;
4 upper or lower tooth – arthritis, inflammation of the lungs or colon;
pain in the lower canines – problems in the circulatory system, atherosclerosis, lung dysfunction;
lower molars – varicose veins, polyps in the intestine, and respiratory tract diseases.
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