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Signs that you are an alpha female and most men find you intimidating

Signs that you are an alpha female and most men find you intimidating

Gone are the days when women were submissive and humble. These days, women go through life in a different direction than their predecessors, and this makes some men feel a little uncomfortable.
If you are striving to create a better life for yourself, you may be surprised to find that not everyone likes it, especially men:
1) You are your own superhero;
As in the song, you are an independent woman. You can do everything yourself and still wear amazing jeans.
Strong women don’t need a man who will pick up the pieces of her life: she will do everything herself.
Some men don’t know what to do with a woman who doesn’t need them.
“Those who have the character of an alpha female radiate self-confidence, forcing others to respect her as an equal.” — Head of the Alpha Women’s Association
2) You know what you want from life;
There is nothing more frightening for another person than the presence of someone who knows what he wants from life and is not afraid to go for it.
The courage to take risks in order to succeed scares people very much, especially men who are used to providing a life for women, and not the other way around.
According to Ph.D. Sonia Rhodes, the alpha female also exerts power in conversation by taking responsibility.
“An alpha woman is someone who exerts power and influence through her ability to take the conversation into her own hands.”
3) You value honesty and sincerity;
As an alpha female, you know that to succeed, you need to strike a balance between honesty and openness to the world.
You have to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses, and you have to be prepared to confront those weaknesses. Strong women expect the same from their men.
4) Are you comfortable in terms of intimacy;
Strong women are not afraid of intimacy, both physical and psychological.
A confident woman is sexy both in the bedroom and outside, and some men find it difficult to be in a relationship with such a confident woman.
5) You can read people well;
Men don’t always understand that a strong woman is so strong because she knows herself inside and out. Such a connection means that she can spot a lie from a mile away.
When something or someone seems wrong to her, it’s because she knows that they don’t meet her expectations of life, and it doesn’t take her long to realize that someone is lying to her.
6) You respect others and demand respect for yourself;
Sustainable women not only respect themselves, but also demand respect from other people. At the same time, they do not walk with a chip on their shoulder, but quite the opposite: they live the way they want.
According to Gabriela Cora, MD, Master of Biological Sciences, resilience is an essential trait of the alpha female:
“Alpha females have inherent characteristics-in addition to being competitive, self—controlled and more aggressive, they are also born healthier, more energetic and resilient.”
7) You are intense;
Sometimes you are hot and sometimes you are cold. You love a lot, live a lot, play a lot, work hard. Everything you do is intense.
You get the most out of your life. But not all men want to spend time like this, especially when you’re in a fighting mood. For some men, it’s just too much.
8) You know what you’re worth;
You don’t need a man to tell you what your life is worth, and that’s great.
If you want a man in your life, you need to find a strong man who also knows what you are worth, but this is not on your to-do list, because you just love life.
According to Sonya Rhodes, PhD, published in the journal Psychology Today:
“Cheerful, strong, independent and comfortable in her own skin, the alpha woman believes in herself.”
9) You give all of yourself;
It doesn’t matter if you wash the dishes or preside over a meeting of the board of directors of your company, you pay 100% of your attention to everything.
That’s how you achieved such success in life. Strong women do not retreat from difficulties and are ready to accept everything 100%.
This is why alpha females are ideal for a career in which they are the boss.
“These traits will suit you perfectly if you want to make a career in which you will be the boss and master of the universe.” — Gabriela Cora, MD, M.B.A. in Psychology Today magazine
10) You encourage others to be the best of them;
Strong women are able to achieve their goals. They know they are not perfect, and they work every day to improve themselves and their lives.
But if you are lucky enough to be in a relationship with a strong woman, you will become a better yourself, because she is working to become a better herself. She will expect this from you, and eventually you will thank her for it.
11) Do you like being in charge;
For many centuries, men have played a leading role. And although women are quickly taking the top positions in society, business, education and their own lives, some men simply cannot accept the fact that women occupy a dominant position these days.
For a long time, a man had to be responsible for almost everything. The women raised the children, and the men did the rest.
Nowadays, women not only raise children, but also do it alone, run successful companies and at the same time find time to style their hair to look good.
Men just can’t handle it.
12) You don’t “need” a man in your life;
I think some men like the idea that they are needed. It makes them feel stronger and more important.
While you are in control of your life and happy to be alone, men can be intimidated when they are simply not needed.
This need often stems from their own need to be with someone, but most don’t want to admit it. They like to pretend that they are independent.
13) You have a strong personality;
The alpha female has a strong character and is not afraid to express her opinion.
Therefore, when you begin to defend your interests and challenge conventional wisdom, a man does not know how to behave.
After all, despite the fact that women have made great strides in society, there are still men who want you to believe that women are the weaker sex.
Of course, this is simply not true, but these cliches keep many women from realizing their own dreams.
Men should be lifting women up, not trying to knock them down.
Everyone benefits when we give women the space they need to become who they are meant to be. But some men don’t want to participate in this.
14) Are you a feminist;
Some men believe that feminism is a sign that they are weaker. But there is a place on this planet for everyone to become great.
Some men would prefer that women return to submission and not stand out from the crowd.
15) Are you satisfied with being in the role of a “breadwinner”;
“Bringing meat home” is still very important for men in modern society, but with the increasing number of women who forage for themselves, the need to have a man on hand is becoming less and less important for alpha women.
What, in my opinion, can scare men is that they quickly realize that being a breadwinner is probably all they have traditionally been good for, because if women reject men because they don’t need their financial support, then what does that say about their personalities and the other qualities they bring to the relationship… not so much.
You do a great job of taking care of yourself, your family, and your lover, because you can handle any responsibility placed on your shoulders.
16) Do you mind taking control of everything;
I think the alpha female doesn’t mind taking matters into her own hands and leading the process. Whether in the bedroom, at work, or with friends, the alpha woman likes to be a leader so that everyone can succeed.
However, many men are taught from an early age that they have to control everything, so your attitude can scare them.
What needs to change is that a man needs to wake up and ask himself if he really thinks he has to control everything. And until that happens, women will have to keep putting men in their place and going about their business.
The result? The alpha female is as strong as anyone else
I believe that an alpha woman is a strong personality who knows what she wants and is not afraid to achieve it. She likes to take everything into her own hands and lead so that everyone benefits.
This can be scary for men, because society has taught them to take matters into their own hands and be a leader.
But men need to understand that it’s perfectly normal to step aside in front of a strong alpha woman.
Women have a lot to offer in leadership positions, and in many cases they do this task even better than their male counterparts.
If you are an alpha female, be proud of it! You are leading a more equal society that will ultimately benefit everyone.
If you are an alpha female and want to find out if a man is afraid of you, check out the 10 signs below!
I am asked a lot of questions about how to understand if a man is afraid of your strong character traits of a woman.
If you find yourself in the company of men you like, but you don’t take your eyes off them and don’t smile, I think there’s a good chance that you’re scaring them.
If you don’t consider yourself a person who knows how to intimidate, think again. I believe that women are now stronger, more independent and accomplished than ever before.
So if you’re wondering if he’s avoiding you because he doesn’t like you or because you scare him, check out my list of 10 signs worth paying attention to.
Keep in mind that not all of them may be true. After all, this is just my opinion based on my life experience. But they will give food for thought.
1) The man looks interested, but does not pull the trigger;
You have no doubt that this man likes you, but he doesn’t make any moves. He says all the right things, smiles at you, leans towards you, but does nothing to confirm your suspicions.
I think he just can’t pull the trigger because he might be intimidated by your strong personality. Perhaps he’s used to a woman playing a more passive role.
Although it’s frustrating, remember that you don’t have to wait for him to make a move — it can only further intimidate him.
2) He is clearly nervous talking to you;
If he stumbles in mid-sentence and says strange things, chances are he likes you, but he can’t articulate it. You’re scaring him. Don’t let him give up.
Being a strong, independent woman is what you need these days, and if he can’t handle you that way, then he won’t be able to be your partner.
3) He doesn’t seem to talk much about himself;
I’ve found that men who are intimidated by women don’t like to talk about themselves.
Perhaps it’s because compared to your achievements, he doesn’t have anything interesting enough to share.
There is always one Alpha in a relationship, and it seems to me that lately the tide of strength in a relationship has been changing not in favor of men, but in favor of women.
4) He’s trying to show off;
The other side of the coin is a man who doesn’t know what to do with you, so he just flaunts himself — a peacock — to get your attention.
At one time, this tactic was peculiar only to party girls, but now it is being used more and more often, since men do not know how to talk or approach women who are beyond their reach.
5) He brags about himself;
If he feels insecure around you, then most likely he will talk about himself and brag about things that would otherwise not make an impression. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is quite natural.
He’s trying to use his success in life to his own advantage, and like most guys, when a woman scares them, it doesn’t come out that way at all.
6) Everything you say seems offensive to him;
If he is offended by your comments, reviews, or even compliments, chances are good that you are scaring him.
Whether it’s a romantic or professional relationship, guys don’t always know how to take criticism from a woman, and it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t hold back just because he might take it the wrong way.
7) He keeps smiling at you;
Come on, buddy, take a step! Although girls like to be smiled at, it is much more pleasant to talk to a person and get to know them better.
If he’s just smiling at you and not doing anything, look over your shoulder to make sure he’s not smiling at someone else. And then move on.
8) Things are getting awkward;
He doesn’t know what to say or how to behave, and everything goes wrong somehow. He spills food, finds fault with you, defends himself, and more.
It’s not your job to think about why he’s like this. You don’t want to be with a guy who can’t tell you that he likes you.
9) He is jealous of you for others;
If you are friends, and he is often around and suddenly becomes jealous of your new boyfriend, there is a high probability that you scare him.
Perhaps not for romantic reasons, but because you continue to live your life and he doesn’t want to lose you as a friend.
10) He can’t link the sentence;
The inability to speak out is a very real problem for men who are intimidated by overbearing women.
The main thing is to make the right impression, and when you are under pressure, men often give up.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve just met him or have known him all your life, if he starts stumbling over words, you can be sure that he’s noticed how amazing you really are, and it’s hard for him to compete.
Anton Kluber
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