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In August, a wall of water will completely destroy the world

In August, a wall of water will completely destroy the world

If you believe a possible prophecy shown in the famous film about the 13th Floor , then today, June 21, for eight billion people (minus organic portals and other bots) will be the last day in the Planet Earth game park. However, if June 22nd does come, we, as promised, will not let our readers get bored. 
The new van belongs to a dude who, like all normal people, left the Moksha swamps somewhere in Cambodia or even further south and is leading tourists on “enlightenment”:
According to his version, he will be killed in August 2024. It will blow in Indonesia and very, very strongly – there will be a Mother of All Earthquakes:
Zhenya from Mytishchi, according to the long-standing Moksha tradition, made a video from another Moksha, who himself made it from some other miracle from the Moksha swamps, so we were a little tired until we found the channel of the author of the forecast .
Unfortunately, he uses the Moksha “telegram” to feel closer to his historical homeland and WordPress does not allow him to post a link, which loves Moksha social networks even less than Zuckerberg. But these are details, the main thing is the authenticity of the van, so let’s get started.
 If we lived somewhere in blessed Thailand and someone who inspired confidence whispered to us that in a year in Indonesia it would be 12.0 and everything would be washed away to the Himalayas, then what would we do? That’s right: we would pick up our feet and run off somewhere to the north. But this comrade is not itching for something and continues to have fun with Thai massage with tourists from Europe. This is, of course, an interesting matter, earthquakes fade into the background, but 12.0! Therefore, Wang is very, very doubtful.
On the other hand, the “master of supreme grace” or whatever his name is, undoubtedly uses various substances to expand consciousness – we have a trained eye for such clients. Therefore, in this regard, everything is no longer just like that – a guy could really be hit in the head by a pink beam and through it, like through a laser satellite channel, HD came on the theme of the Apocalypse. Therefore, in this light, everything is no longer so clear. 
Finally, and most importantly, two years ago we introduced our readers to a geological nugget, Mr.  @mxdondevivo , who guessed the eruption in the Canaries with an accuracy of a week and vangs the Mother of All Earthquakes. According to him, it will hit just in Indonesia, under which the lithospheric plates interlocked. But he can’t give much advice about the date, so far he recommends just keeping an eye on the region. 
Thus, “for” this van scores two points, “against” – one point. Total expected probability is 2/1, which is more than 50%. It is also worth recalling that billionaires began to hastily dump superyachts , which also indirectly indicates serious disturbances at sea. But will it blow in August? 
Probably no one will say the exact answer to this question now, so all that remains is to follow the developments of events.
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