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Body odor reveals unsuspected health problems

Body odor reveals unsuspected health problems

Chinese healers have come to the secret of what actually causes unusual body odors. They believe that different odors can be a signal of our state of Health.
Chinese herbalists, acupuncturists and medical experts study the odors that a person emits. This gives them the information they need to accurately determine the source of the disease. According to Oriental Medicine, the human body can have 7 Basic smells that speak to the overall condition of the body:
Bad breath and gases
The main work of the human digestive system is to protect the body from toxins that can damage the health of the intestine, which will lead to disruption of the absorption of nutrients and the removal of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
When the digestive function of the body is impaired, symptoms such as bad breath and increased gas formation appear. The intake of probiotics and dairy products stabilizes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Smell of smoke
Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, is released by our body when we feel very anxious, in a state of stress. This phenomenon can be accompanied by the smell of smoke emanating from the human skin.
To solve the problem, it is necessary to rest and minimize stressful situations, saturate life with positive emotions, find a source of inspiration.
Smell of bitter
The liver and bile in Chinese medicine are associated with the elements of wood in nature. Tree in ancient Chinese culture is a combination of bodily functions and characterizes planning and decision-making activities.
Problems with the liver and gallbladder can provoke increased sebum secretion, as well as the presence of a bitter smell emitted by the human body.
At the same time, a person can be chronically irritable and more angry than usual. Eliminating alcohol and fatty foods from the diet can limit symptoms and balance the work of these organs.
Sweet smell
If a sweet smell comes from a person, it may indicate problems with the spleen. In Chinese medicine, it is associated with the elements of the Earth, the storage of thoughts and intentions.
To reduce the unwanted smell, you need to abandon the use of certain foods: soy, pork, dairy products.
Rotten smell
Chinese medicine is of the opinion that the pungent smell of putrefaction emitted by the human body indicates that you have problems with the lungs and colon. This is directly related to the fact that a person does not get rid of negative emotions and begins to “emit” a rotten smell.
To clear your mind and soul, it is advisable to walk more in the open air, to think about the good. In this way, it is possible to restore the balance between your body and soul.
Smell of ammonia or seawater
Such smells indicate problems with the kidneys. In Chinese medicine, these organs are characterized by water, associated with birth and rebirth. To restore balance, Active sports are recommended, and in this situation it is very useful to work in the fresh air.
Sweet smell
A too sweet smell emitted by the human body can be the result of improper handling of feelings.
If you “hold” your emotions instead of letting them go, they will not be properly processed and can manifest in the form of a pronounced body odor. A conversation with a person from the circle of trust, meditation and a positive attitude will help to solve the problem.
If you listen to yourself, realize the small symptoms of the problem, you can change your life for the better.
Do not neglect treatment if you notice unusual body odor. If you find suspicious symptoms, you should seek qualified help as soon as possible
Maria Atanasova
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