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June 22

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Relationship in Communes)
June 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk with you about how you should build relationships in a commune with people who, although they are on the same vibrational wave with you, nevertheless hold different views with you on some things of both a domestic and spiritual nature.
In this case, you should try to distance yourself from these people energetically and physically.
And, of course, it should be done as gently as possible so as not to offend them.
The fact is that if, out of a sense of delicacy, you continue to communicate with people who hold different points of view on many issues with you, then you will involuntarily accumulate irritation, which will lower both your own vibrations and the vibrations of these people, since intuitively they will read your negative emotions towards them.
Therefore, as soon as there are contradictions in communication with any person, try to immediately “extinguish the fire” of your disagreements, without letting it flare up.
This will allow you to avoid a return to dual thinking and lifestyle.
But again, you should not consider this as your failure, because in any society, even of high dimensions, there are a lot of nuances in communication between people.
I have already given you a whole series of messages about the vibrational correspondence of people, which includes quite a lot of criteria not only of an energetic nature.
Therefore, in order to build a truly harmonious relationship with any person, it is necessary to match at least eighty percent of these criteria.
And for sure there will be such people in your environment – you will definitely recognize them, or rather, feel them.
I know that many of those who have already tried to create a commune or join existing ones have failed precisely because they failed to properly build relationships with the people who belong to them.
And indeed, the most difficult thing in creating and maintaining communes is precisely human relationships.
Each person is a whole universe, and not everyone is ready to let people of alien views into their inner world, even if they are already in the space of the fourth or Fifth dimension.
And you need to take this into account, without resenting those who shun you, and not blame yourself for the fact that you, in turn, also shun someone.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 22 June, 2024.
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