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June 4

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Common Goals)
June 4, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, we will now talk about the common goals of people who create communes.
By and large, in all communes, the common goal is to build a society of the Fifth Dimension.
And since communes are small “cells” of such a society, they should reflect all the basic principles of human relationships in the world of the Fifth Dimension.
But ideally, besides the general goal, thematic goals and objectives are also needed.
We have already talked about this, but then we were talking about professional communities that unite people of similar occupations.
But in fact, you should not pay special attention to this, otherwise your task of selecting members of your commune will become much more complicated, since it is very difficult to select people not only of the same vibration level, but also of similar professions.
The main thing is to create an atmosphere of Love and full mutual understanding, and then each member of your commune will work with full dedication and for the highest good of all.
If desired, a person can learn everything if he feels that this is the case that will bring the greatest benefit to people.
Therefore, the desire to be as useful as possible to others should become the main incentive and purpose of the existence of each member of the commune.
As a rule, in any group of people there is always someone wiser, organized, experienced, who can take responsibility for others and deal with the distribution of responsibilities, taking into account the skills and desires of each person.
In highly developed civilizations, such people are called elders.
But, of course, we are not talking here about the age of these people, but about universal respect and trust in them.
In your commune, such a person can become a person with extraordinary charisma, sensitivity, intelligence, sense of humor – those qualities that especially endear people to themselves.
But it is very important that he also has organizational skills, which will help build a system of relations in the commune in such a way that it can exist independently from the current system of government.
And believe me, my dear ones, such communes already exist on Earth, just few people know about them – it is very unprofitable for those in power to advertise such islands of freedom, so as not to set an example to others.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 4 2024.
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