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Signs that your feminine energy is blocked and how to get it back

Signs that your feminine energy is blocked and how to get it back

Feminine energy is a force that enables each of us to feel strong, confident and ready to take on new challenges. However, in modern realities, we often face challenges and a fast pace of life. We are constantly running somewhere, eating on the go, thinking about how to quickly finish all work, household and other duties.
These stressors have a not very favorable effect on our mental and emotional state, bringing our magical feminine energy to a sensitive decline and exhaustion. Let’s see what we can do if we inadvertently find ourselves hostage to such a situation. Psychologists reveal 5 signs that our feminine energy is blocked and how we can regain it:
1. You never have energy
A lack of strength and a state close to burnout is one of the most obvious signs that your feminine energy is at zero. The first and most important rule of kut is: if you are tired, recover. But for some reason, each of us at least once forgot this rule under the pretext of “I will work a little more and then I will definitely rest.” But just as nature does not like emptiness, so our body, which is not made of iron, requires a careful attitude and a balance between work and rest. Try to spend more time relaxing. Meditation, yoga, or even just a walk in the fresh air can help restore your feminine energy.
2. You experience negative emotions every day
Our physical state depends on our emotions. Our feelings and thoughts are the foundation of our personal well-being. If the moments when you are irritated, offended or even angry for no reason visit you more often during the day, ask yourself if you are not surrounded by people who cause these negative emotions. Free yourself from these soul-crushing feelings by making an effort to pay more attention to your emotions and learn to manage them. Take a close look at your surroundings and if there is someone who is acting on your consciousness toxically, stay away from them.
3. You procrastinate or give up
You have started putting off your plans, responsibilities and dreams for later or even giving up on them midway. What can we say about complex projects, creativity and new beginnings. How do we regain our desire for success and growth? The most important trick here is to do what you love. Try to set clear and specific goals that will motivate you. Find hobbies or activities that you enjoy, always try new things, don’t stay in one place.
4. You want to distance yourself from other people
You notice that you start to avoid socializing with friends and family and also feel uncomfortable in large groups. This may be because relationships are always an exchange of energy. When you only give energy without getting anything in return, your feminine energy is gradually blocked. How to fix this? Try to connect with creative and well-intentioned individuals, with people who are open to your personality and interests, with friends and relatives, and communicate as often as possible with them. It will help you feel connected to the world around you, loved and inspired.
5. You barely think about yourself
Modern women are forced to play several roles in life: wives, mothers, businesswomen. And on every front they have to perform perfectly. But there comes a point when you start to get confused by it all. You constantly care about others and their needs, but you forget about your own. Remember that rest is just as important as work. At such times, it is important to clearly outline your roles, not to overwork yourself and try to spend more time for yourself. Include me-time in your weekday commitments. When you schedule something on your calendar, it will be harder to cancel or miss it. Think about it seriously!
Author Antonia Mihailova
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