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9 tips for people with low self-esteem

9 tips for people with low self-esteem

If you regularly follow the posts of famous ladies on social networks, surely you have repeatedly noticed that sometimes their clothes and body shape do not matter. What makes them really sexy is their confidence. How do you get one? Look at the following lines.
Develop self-care habits
Just as the attitude of others towards you in the past has significantly affected your self-esteem, the way we treat ourselves every day affects how we value ourselves. Taking care of yourself includes things like: a healthy diet; getting enough sleep; regular exercise; practicing good hygiene; making time for things you like; wearing clothes you really like, and more. Feeling out of shape, exhausted, unattractive, and unhappy makes us very vulnerable to feelings of insecurity, apathy, and depression.
Record your achievements
Write down all your achievements on a piece of paper or in a file. This may also include items such as: trophies, awards, certificates, diplomas, scientific degrees, thank you cards, or other documents that in any way show recognition to you. Remember, too, that you don’t need to focus only on your big achievements, but you can keep a list of lesser victories. Then spend some time at least once a week looking at these achievements and congratulating yourself on these successes.
Ask for feedback from people who know and appreciate you.
One of the best ways to improve your self-image is to get honest and accurate feedback from people who know and appreciate you. Once you get it, fight the urge to reject it, as this is a common reaction for anyone who is not used to positive (or negative) feedback.
Practice activities you like
By giving yourself up and taking care of yourself, you show yourself that you deserve to be treated well. This may include practicing activities you love to do, such as reading, going to the movies, meeting a friend, playing with a pet, walking, cycling, or massage. The list is endless, depending on what you like.
Stop comparing yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others can help your self-esteem if you compare yourself to people who are less qualified or talented than you. However, most people who struggle with self-esteem problems do the opposite and compare themselves to others who outperform them in areas they value and therefore end up feeling defeated. Instead, compare yourself to yourself and look for the progress you have made in your pursuit of competence and success.
Help others
Helping others, whether through your work, volunteering or donating, will fill you with a sense of pride and achievement. This achievement in turn feeds our positive sense of ourselves.
Live your life consciously
To deal with feelings or events, many people live their lives in denial on many levels. Unfortunately, we cannot deal effectively with what we do not realize, and then we give ourselves a reason to fight ourselves when the problems are not solved. By being aware of everything that is happening in both our inner and outer world, we can cope more effectively with situations, which in turn builds self-confidence.
Stop trying to please everyone
People with low self-esteem may feel compelled to say “yes” to the requests of others. They often put helping others before their own mental health. This can lead to overload, whether at work or in your personal life, writes this, in turn, is the cause of a lot of stress. It’s nice to be helpful and supportive when you can, but your self-esteem ultimately suffers when you tie your own value to how much you do for others.
Get out of your comfort zone
People with low self-esteem tend to avoid challenges and new opportunities. This may be due to fear or self-doubt. But when you succeed to a greater or lesser extent, you show yourself that you can withstand the difficult moments. Stepping out of your comfort zone does not mean that you have to throw yourself into extremely uncomfortable situations, but that you are simply ready to try new things, even if you find yourself in difficult circumstances.
Bozhidara Naydenova
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