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How we sabotage ourselves

How we sabotage ourselves

We often sabotage ourselves with behaviors that are not in line with our normal mental age and make us feel frustrated and despondent.
“Recognizing the signs of sabotage (and any pattern of behavior that is not typical of you and makes you feel blocked) is the first step to change,” therapist Anna De Freitas wrote on her Instagram account.
She shared the signs we can recognize that we are undermining ourselves, as well as several ways we can break the pattern.
Procrastination: the act of leaving work for later is often associated with fear of failure or imperfection. The best way to deal with this is to divide the task into smaller and manageable goals.
Negative self-attitude: often the harsh inner critic speaks to us and makes us feel like failures. We can fight our inner voice with positive affirmations that restore our faith in our abilities. It is good to take into account your positive and strong points and show faith in yourself.
Perfectionism: we often wait for the perfect time to undertake a task because we are overwhelmed by the fear of failure. We must understand that perfection is unattainable. Instead, we must focus on making progress.
Fear of failure: the constant fear of failure often discourages us from accomplishing our tasks. Instead, we should take everything as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Over-engaging: over-engaging in a variety of activities can lead to stress and burnout. We need to set boundaries and learn to prioritize our tasks.
Sabina Andreeva
P.S. All these problems are the result of believing in the rules, and these rules are not in the interest of the people, and therefore they feel unhappy. In order to stop believing in the rules, you must realize that satisfaction and happiness are states of your soul, and in order for your soul to be happy, you must look for what gives you joy (also a hint of the soul). Yosif Yorgov
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