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The sun began to periodically disappear from the sky

The sun began to periodically disappear from the sky

Over the past few years, the world has almost become accustomed to all sorts of miracles happening to the Sun. Most often, two, sometimes even three, are seen in the sky. Cosmonauts also complain that something is wrong with the last cycle and the processes on the Sun are running ahead of the locomotive.
The only thing that hasn’t happened yet is the complete disappearance of the star from the sky. Not at night, but in broad daylight. The last time something like this happened was on April 8 over the United States; NASA said it was a solar eclipse. However, NASA has not yet said what happened to the Sun on June 11:

If someone has trouble turning on Tik Tok, Elon Musk has a copy and Zuckerberg has a copy . Comrade ilovehamsterstoo himself has a video in several versions – with enlargement, with filters and all that.
Naturally, the people were very puzzled by the miracle and everyone was wondering what it was. The version most often expressed is that the author did not catch the Sun in the frame, but something else.
For example, Nibiru, which, as has long been noted, appears and disappears. Or it was not Nibiru, but another fragment of hydrocarbons from its shell, which from time to time fall to Earth and burn beautifully in the atmosphere.
 Another version suggests that there really was the Sun in the frame, but it was eclipsed by something. For example, a strip of particularly dense chemtrails that turned out to be indistinguishable against the sky. Or some kind of comet-planet that flew in front of the Sun and gave us something like an eclipse. 
We are inclined to the second option, with gravitational lensing. That is, a black hole or similar object briefly appeared in front of the Sun and scattered its rays. The photons released by the Sun, of course, arrived safely and the light did not go out, but the light source itself turned out to be blurred. 
It is possible that the famous “three days of darkness” will follow the same scenario, only this time the gravitational lens around the black hole will absorb the Sun more densely. It is possible that we will observe this phenomenon quite soon, since pastors with such prophetic warnings have become more frequent, and Mr. Q, although the town idiot, also hung up a strange thing:
At the moment, the critical date is June 20-21, which aliens may have warned about by drawing circles in the margins. 
Also, perhaps, the Anunnaki will not pamper us with their presence for quite some time, limiting themselves for now to light miracles with luminaries. But in any case, we still have many miracles in the sky, so we continue to monitor developments.
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