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June 2

Father Absolute – Two realities (Such different values)
June 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, I now want to talk in more detail about the separation of two groups of people: those who remain in the three-dimensional world, and those who move with the Earth into a new dimension.
The further away, the greater the gap awaits these people, and in all directions.
And, of course, first of all it concerns their moral qualities.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for modern society to maintain the “bar” of spirituality, since it is precisely this that is most dangerous for the puppets of the deep state.
Everything that concerns traditional universal human values is now called “conservative views”, and those who defend them are backward and outdated people.
And this also shows the separation of people, and the further away, the more.
This is especially true of the older generation, who grew up and were brought up on the very values that the minions of the globalists are now trying to trample into the mud.
What is being imposed on young people now, starting from a very young age, carries completely different “values” that can no longer be called moral.
If you compare children’s literature, films and cartoons of the last century and what is being created for children now, you can feel the enormous difference in vibrations between them.
This is explained by the fact that art always reflects the realities of the world in which its creators live.
And the fact that now almost all kinds of art are put at the service of globalists is certainly not accidental.
Dragon reptiles are well aware of the enormous impact creativity has on the minds of people, especially children and teenagers, so they are trying their best to pull them into a three-dimensional world, and of the dirtiest kind, not allowing these pure souls to join the stream of people who can make the Transition.
Thus, they are trying to turn even the crystal children, who just came to your planet to build a new society on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension, into the “ballast” that we have already talked about.
And this is their biggest crime against humanity.
We will stop here today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on June 2 2024.
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