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You’re not in love, you’re just afraid to be alone

You’re not in love, you’re just afraid to be alone

Let’s talk about what we all face: love and relationships. Sometimes it’s hard to know if what we’re feeling is true love or just a fear of loneliness. In a world where everyone seems to be in a hurry to be with someone, it’s very important to understand if you’re doing it for the right reasons.
Let’s look at the signs that can tell us whether we are really in love or just trying to avoid loneliness. Understanding these signs will help you make better choices in a relationship, so that your heart guides you, and not the fear of being alone.
1. Fantasize about others;
If you often dream of being with someone else, this may be a sign that you are not in love, but simply afraid of being alone. Such fantasies can be a way to escape from the reality of your current relationship or from the fear of loneliness. When you are truly in love, you are happy with your partner and you are not looking for someone better.
2. Lack of sincere communication;
In a real, loving relationship, there must be a deep and meaningful connection. If you’re dating someone just to avoid loneliness, you may not feel that genuine connection. It may seem to you that you are just doing the usual things, and you lack the emotional connection and atmosphere of real sincere love.
3. Constant anxiety;
If the thought of loneliness constantly scares you and causes constant anxiety, this is a clear sign that fear, not love, is driving your relationship. Love should bring happiness and comfort, not the constant fear of being alone. True love makes you feel safe, not anxious.
4. You don’t feel excited;
Love usually brings excitement and joy. If you don’t feel enthusiastic or happy about your current relationship, it may be because you’re only using it as a safety net. Falling in love should make you look forward to spending time with your partner, not make you feel like you’re content with something less than you deserve.
5. Avoiding personal growth;
If you are more concerned with avoiding loneliness than personal growth, this may indicate that love is not the driving force. Love should motivate you to develop and help you achieve your goals, while the fear of loneliness can hold you back and make you get stuck in place.
6. Giving up your interests;
If you start sacrificing your interests and hobbies in order to be with someone, it may be a sign that the main motivator is the fear of loneliness, not true love. Love should respect and support your individuality, not suppress it.
7. Lack of emotional support;
In a loving relationship, you should feel emotionally supported and protected. If you don’t feel this and instead feel isolated or unsupported, it may be a sign that you are not in love, but are just looking for companionship so as not to be lonely.
8. You don’t see a future together;
If you do not imagine a future with your partner or do not have long-term plans, this is a sign that you are in a relationship for the wrong reasons, for example, to avoid loneliness, and not for the sake of true love.
9. A sense of relief at separation;
If you feel relief rather than longing when you are separated from your partner, this may be a sign that you are not in love, but simply avoid the thought of loneliness. Love should make you miss your partner and look forward to the next meeting.
Anton Kluber
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