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The Indian astrologer made a new forecast

The Indian astrologer, who promised WW3 on June 18, made a new forecast

New York Post:  It was like a bombshell.
An Indian astrologer dubbed the “New Nostradamus” predicts that there are only a few days left before the outbreak of World War III.
“Tuesday, June 18, 2024, has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger World War III,” Kushal Kumar said in a new interview with The Daily Star, confirming and doubling down on his recent May prediction.
Last Thursday, Kumar made an additional post on Medium , confirming his previous statement:
Mr. Kumar also cited several events of recent days that seem to follow his forecast: 
First, Kumar mentioned the recent terrorist attack in which nine Hindu pilgrims were killed in the Himalayas and 33 others were injured.
He further mentioned that on Sunday, in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, 20 North Korean soldiers crossed the border and provoked gunfire from South Korea.
Third, Kumar noted that the conflict in Israel has escalated after Hezbollah forces in Lebanon recently fired rockets at the Jewish state in retaliation for the death of a commander.
He then noted that, in a maneuver uncomfortably reminiscent of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Muscovy had sent warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Havana.
And to top it all off, China is conducting military exercises off the coast of Taiwan, causing concern among US officials.
“Watch the war scenario unfold in hotspots around the world over time,” Kumar wrote, before adding that  June 29 could also be Judgment Day.
Comment from the Editors of The Big The One: Mr. Kumar first appeared online back in May and we translated The Daily Star’s material about him. The fact that he dashed off another post, in which there is nothing particularly new, is not surprising – the guy is striking iron without leaving the cash register, that is, pumping up the topic while he is in the news and the iron is hot.
But the fact that the tabloids have joined the process and are spinning the forecast for the second round looks strange. Perhaps the owners of the tabloids know something, it’s not for nothing that the New York Times  fired a bunch of employees the day before, replacing them with robots, so we’re waiting for June 18 and monitoring the developments.

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