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June 1

Father Absolute – Two Realities (New countdown of the Earth’s Existence)
June 1, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about what has been happening over the past twelve years on the other side – in the camp of the Dragon Reptiles and their puppets in power.
Unlike most people on Earth, they were well aware of the impending transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension, which for them meant the “end of the world”, since their bodies were not able to withstand such high vibrations.
This is exactly how they presented this news to humanity, trying to instill fear in people and thereby lower the general vibrations of the Earth.
Remember how much was said in 2012 about the end of the world and even its exact date was called: December 21, 2012.
And believe me, my relatives, Dragon Reptiles embodied in human bodies, reptilians and thousands of high-ranking officials controlled by them spent this day in specially equipped underground bunkers waiting for what will happen on this day on Earth.
But nothing visible happened that day.
But on the subtle plane of the Earth, the Transition process was launched.
This can be compared to how a child releases a string from his hands, by which he holds a balloon, and it slowly begins to rise into the sky.
The same thing happened to your Land. That day, the energy cord that held her in the three-dimensional matrix was “cut”, and your beautiful planet began its ascent to higher worlds.
All the Forces of Light and your Galactic family have joined this sacred process.
It was from the end of December 2012 that a new countdown of the Earth’s existence began in two dimensions at the same time, namely its slow progress from the third dimension to the fourth.
How did the Dragon Reptiles behave in this situation?
They took this as their only chance to realize their plans to depopulate the Earth’s population and completely subjugate the consciousness of its remaining inhabitants.
It was then that all their actions in this direction were activated.
At the same time, they carefully monitored the vibrational background of your planet in order to reduce the overall vibration level as much as possible by unleashing military conflicts, ethnic strife and economic crises.
The peak of their efforts in this direction was the pseudo-pandemic organized around the world, which plunged the vast majority of the world’s population into panic and fear, and also claimed and continues to claim millions of lives as a result of the so-called “vaccination”, which brings diseases and death to people.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 1, June 2024.
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