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What mature women do not allow themselves in a relationship

What mature women do not allow themselves in a relationship?

After youth, which girls often sacrifice to their love, it is time for adulthood. At this time, women begin to value themselves more and live based on their priorities.

Normal relationships are rarely described in literature and art. It’s too bland and mundane. The drama, complex love polygons, sacrificial love and “in general, everyone died” are of interest. Many people at a young age are sure that this is exactly how true love manifests itself – in suffering, longing, expectation and endless patience with all kinds of inconveniences and neglect on the part of a partner.
In almost every work, the heroine is waylaid by a charming scoundrel who ignores and torments her in every possible way, because he is madly in love. And in the end, he turns into a handsome prince and marries a heroine. Over the years, a woman begins to understand that novels are created to be read, and not guided by them for life, and a charming scoundrel can only turn into a complete scumbag over time.
After adolescence, when it seems absolutely normal to sacrifice oneself and rush to the ends of the world for the sake of a loved one, the age begins when they begin to understand that “I am the only one”, and there can be many men. And this does not mean that you no longer want love, affection, warmth and understanding. It just comes to the realization that in a healthy relationship everything should be mutual. And unhealthy relationships no longer attract, from the word “at all”.
10 Things that Women Stop Doing with Age:
1. Do not go on dates if they interfere with their plans.
Meetings should bring mutual joy and pleasure. When a man makes a date or falls “out of the blue”, not interested in the plans and free time of a woman, it means that she herself is not so interesting to him. Which means she doesn’t need him either.
2. They do not sit waiting for “when he will call”.
And they do not believe that he was in intensive care, all phones were turned off, he is in the boss’s office around the clock, or there are still reasons not to call. If a man is constantly busy for a woman, then he is not worth her attention.
3. They do not forgive neglect.
If a man does not congratulate on holidays, birthdays, important dates, if he feels sorry for money for a gift for a woman he likes, then this indicates stinginess. And it only progresses over time. Those you love, you want to please. And if you don’t want to, then it means that a man values money above a woman. Well, why such a man?
4. Don’t be silent if they don’t like something.
Especially in the behavior of a man. Moreover, you need to speak only once. A loving man will not get drunk, be rude, or do anything that can scare a woman. And if the first message that she doesn’t like it is ignored, then the second one won’t be needed.
5. They do not justify male disorder.
A mature woman no longer wants to live in a hostel, rented apartments, unemployment and everything that her youth was full of. Let the “free artists” go on a free voyage.
6. They are not afraid to ask direct questions.
Young girls are very shy to ask them. They worry that they may inadvertently upset, offend, disappoint or scare off a man they like. And unexplained questions cause serious wounds. Mature women do not want wounds, they want clarity in the relationship, therefore, they find out everything already on the first approaches.
7. They don’t do the work for men that they don’t like.
This does not apply to living in a legal marriage. But, just for a partner, there is a phrase “If you want, do it yourself.” They no longer do anything that is painful for themselves.
8. Men are not jealous of friends or work.
If a man loves, he will find time for meetings even in the most busy schedule. If he is constantly busy, then you should stop waiting for him, and another one is needed for the relationship.
9. They are already clearly aware that love and “making love” are different things.
If there is love, then the partner knows a lot about the woman and shows his care, attention and respect. If this is not the case, then these are just gymnastic exercises that give pleasure to the body, but do not affect all other areas of life.
10. They don’t try to look different.
They know very well that “You can’t stand on tiptoe for a long time, and you can’t squat for a long time.” Therefore, they try to be themselves in order to interest only such a man who will like her, and not a fictional image that they will have to match for the rest of their lives.
Mature women still want to love, and they are ready for love. But they no longer want to make sacrifices for her. Love is a creative feeling, not a destructive one, so it does not need sacrifices.
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