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May 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (12 Years of Transition)
May 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic that is designed to help you overcome the last and most stressful period before the final transition of your planet into the Fifth Dimension.
As you can see, the situation on Earth – political, military and economic – is heating up more and more every day, and it seems to you that there are no limits to this.
And this is true, because the madness of the ruling elite has entered its last stage, which no longer has borders.
All human laws, and primarily moral ones, have already been violated.
The lies, cynicism and hypocrisy that reign on Earth have reached their critical point.
And where morality, morality and spirituality end, a period of complete disintegration begins.
Now humanity is rapidly falling into the abyss, which, unfortunately, is fully realized only by those who have preserved the Divine principle in themselves.
The overwhelming gray mass of the inhabitants of the Earth is frightened only by the fact that they may lose their usual well-fed lifestyle.
Therefore, they will be ready for all the conditions set for them by their Governments, just to maintain the relative stability of their own lives.
And the ratio of this gray mass to conscious Divine beings is about ninety percent to ten.
Moreover, of these ten percent, only a small part knows about the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension and does everything to make this Transition with it.
I am giving you these figures not to scare you, but so that you know the real state of affairs on Earth and do not build illusions about the mass transition of the inhabitants of your planet into the Fifth Dimension.
Twelve years have passed since 2012, when the active phase of the Earth’s transformation began and new high-vibration energies began to fill your planet.
As you already know, this number carries a sacred meaning.
And that’s what it is.
At least twelve years are necessary for a person so that his consciousness can move to a new stage of evolutionary development, or, in other words, so that the accumulated experience and theoretical knowledge can finally be translated into concrete deeds.
Try to remember what happened to you in 2012 – at what level of your spiritual development you were then, and compare it with where you are now: how much your worldview and energy abilities, your desires and needs, social circle and interests have changed.
And let this be the first step towards realizing the internal and external transformations that have happened to you over the past twelve years.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on 31, May 2024.
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