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The world after the coronavirus pandemic needs to prepare for a new one

WHO: The world after the coronavirus pandemic needs to prepare for a new one – Disease X

A representative of the organization noted that there are a huge number of viruses and bacteria in the world that have the ability to mutate.
The head of the WHO office in Russia, Batyr Berdyklychev, said that the world must prepare for a new “disease X” after the coronavirus pandemic. His words are quoted by TASS.
There are a huge number of viruses and bacteria in the world that have the ability to change their properties and mutate. Of course, a condition for the emergence of pandemics will be the emergence of such a virus or bacteria, any pathogen that may have the ability to transmit this infection from person to person in the absence of immunity, especially population immunity,” Berdyklychev said on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
According to the representative of the organization, it is very difficult to predict when and where this will happen.
But scientists around the world, epidemiologists, and experts agree that this is a very real threat. It’s only a matter of time. Therefore, an important task is to be prepared for such a situation, for the so-called disease X,” he added.
Batyr Berdyklychev noted that preparation for such a threat includes epidemiological surveillance: analysis of the properties of the virus, how it interacts with the body, how the immune system is ready to respond to such a viral infection.–bolezni-x
P.S. I hope you understand that the last pandemic was based on the ascension symptoms (radiation sickness – effects of increased energy), and the virus was chosen at random – and now they are preparing public opinion for the next pandemic. And feeble-minded doctors, without consideration, sign up as servants of the devil and exhort naive clients/patients to get vaccinated. But what he seeks, he finds. For twenty years now, I have been talking about a permanent mass extinction, but few people are paying attention, even if they have read or heard about it. Apparently, they will only think about it when the streets start raining corpses, but then there will be mass panic and they will not be able to be calm enough to cope with their evolution.
Just recently, I mentioned that the genderqueer problem is also an ascension symptom, and there are probably others that I didn’t realize. And as the energy increases, the ascension symptoms will change, and they’ll probably figure out how to use them to harm people. Yosif Yorgov

New study suggests covid vaccines have increased mortality

According to a new study, in the first 3 years of the coronavirus pandemic, more than three million deaths were recorded in Western countries.
This suggests that vaccinations against the Apostille may be partly to blame for this, according to a study of the Amsterdam-based apostille, published in the Journal of the Apostille earlier this week.
Between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. in 47 countries, a total of 3,098,456 excessive deaths were recorded (excessive mortality is a term used in epidemiology and Public Health to refer to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would expect to see under “normal” conditions.)
According to the study, in the first full year of the pandemic in 2020. there were 1.03 million deaths. In 2021. when the first vaccines were released, more than 1.25 million were registered. excessive deaths, and in 2022. – when restrictions related to Covida were lifted, more than 808,000 deaths were recorded, according to preliminary data cited in the study.
“Extreme, excessive, mortality has remained high in the Western world for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of measures to limit the spread and vaccinations of the Apostille-19,” the study said.
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