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Some amazing device was looking for something on the moon

Some amazing device was looking for something on the moon

Since the moon is our only satellite, it attracts special attention from everyone, from astronomy lovers to ufologists. And such attention gives the result: SO MANY things have already been noticed near the moon and on the moon that it is harder to believe in the uninhabitability of this thing than in the Indian lunar program.
However, even with such an abundance of information, from time to time something new appears there:
The news was posted today by Turkish ufologists ; according to them, it was filmed by some amateur astronomer from the Czech Republic. During the search, we didn’t find much copy-paste. The earliest one is for January and everything is presented there with good magnification:
In the age of Artificial Intelligence, it is impossible to immediately say whether the video is real or whether it is computer graphics, but so many things have already been seen on the moon, including on NASA’s official websites, that most likely the video is real.
In addition, the alien brothers hanging out near the moon really love red light: if people of color see flashes there, then most often they are red. Although on Earth the alien brothers have a wider range of colors:
 Another interesting video from Brazil:
There are definitely no graphics here, since no artist, even under LSD, can come up with such metamorphoses with a spacecraft.
Saucers, as far as we know from ufology, are devices without inertia, that is, they do something with such a fundamental physical concept as mass. Obviously, they also do something with space, so an external observer cannot trace the shape of these objects, and sometimes even the dimensions themselves. 
The Indian Vedas mention the journey of one of the ancient heroes to one of the gods, whose responsibility was the Earth. And the palace of this god greatly surprised the comrade who arrived from ancient India – it was tens of times larger than the volume of the “flying space city” it was located inside. 
Probably some similar technology is used by brothers in mind. And, judging by what is happening on Earth, especially around Israel, judging by what is happening in space and in the atmosphere, judging by the numerous vangs of mystics, we will soon see some part of these miracle technologies.
Little green men fly around the cities insolently, are not afraid of anyone at all and hide:
And the famous military, burning taxpayers’ kerosene, accompany the alien brothers with an escort:
Apparently, both of them are under severe pressure from some situation in near space and they are rushing about as if in a besieged city. There will probably be an assault on it soon, so we’ll keep an eye on the developments.
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