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Scientists have discovered that human genetics somehow changes every generation

Scientists have discovered that human genetics somehow changes every generation

Our older generation of readers, who are now 45 years old and above, without studying anthropology as a science, nevertheless have some experience in this science. Particularly lucky in this regard were the pioneers and schoolchildren of the 1970s, who were faced with such a phenomenon as “acceleration.” It boiled down to the fact that a tenth-grader of average height was approximately a head taller than any teacher. 
Academicians explained this miracle by saying that the older generation of the builders of sycilism ate poorly (which was true), but thanks to the guiding and inspiring power of dear Leonid Ilyich, food in the USSR is now OK, almost like 1913, which is why you are so terribly fast you are growing. And this was complete nonsense, because in the USA, where sycilism was not built and teenagers rode in their cars already in the 1950s with “acceleration,” there was the same garbage – that is, the generation of the 1970s was SIGNIFICANTLY taller than the generation of the 1950s. 
And then very interesting things began, starting from the “unisex” generation, when it is impossible to determine the gender of the person walking in front from the back and pants, ending with the modern generation of short, strong and 20-year-old girls with cellulite on their butts and all over their bodies. This cannot be explained by a change in diet and lifestyle; there is something else hidden here. 
And so, today, was noted in this regard , where some adherents examined representatives of different generations on the subject of physical education. And they, too, were very surprised, to put it mildly.
Almost no one is born with ideal figures, everyone has problems, many of which emerge with age: for some, fat grows on the belly, for others on the ass, for others it spreads across the face and then flows down to the neck and all the way to the knees. That’s why people come to the gym and fight this as best they can. 
And so, as the bright adherents found out, all generations have their own problems. Not problems of age groups, but rather generational problems, since, for example, people of generation X (45-60) have never faced the problems that people aged 20-30 now face. And vice versa. 
Significant differences were also identified in the level of oxygen absorption, in fluctuations in glucose levels, in the strength of the hand muscles, which in all people receive approximately the same load and should also be the same. But no, for some reason the hands of generation X are much stronger, despite the fact that other muscle groups were inferior in strength and this could not be associated with age.   
Thus, everyday and background, so to speak, observations of genetics turned out to be highly scientifically confirmed. Not very deep, but nonetheless. 
Nature does not know such sudden leaps in evolution. This is impossible. For people or other individuals to begin to differ from their ancestors, it takes many, many generations and the necessary selection, as dog lovers know well. And then they crossed two shepherd dogs and they got a Rottweiler or even a bulldog.
This doesn’t happen in genetics. More precisely, it happens, but only with genetically modified plants and animals, after genome correction. And then, yes, then Nikita Sergeevich’s great dream comes true, when the wheat begins to give birth to corn. And if we see this with people, it means that someone also changes us from time to time. 
Who, and for what purposes – one can only guess here, but some points are alarming, since modification of people’s DNA can (and most likely concerns) not only their appearance, but also their brains. And in which direction this modification is going is a big, big question.
Although, of course, when modern children grow up and enter active life, it will be clear what their “alien brothers” were preparing them for. We cannot even rule out that the modern younger generation is wildly resistant to radiation, like modern strawberries are to frost, so we are monitoring developments.
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