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Skynet has begun to destroy civilization

Skynet has begun to destroy civilization

Recently, among Internet users, scolding Artificial Intelligence has become, as it were, a rule of good manners. Everyone criticizes it, from Elon Musk, whose competition with OpenAI did not work out, to housewives who confuse perceptron with sychrophasatron, although more often they do not even know what it is. Fighters against evil on YouTube are especially rampant, and AI helps them make money from gullible people. 
The main thesis of the John Connors is that Skynet will destroy “our” shitty civilization. And it must be said that there is a certain amount of truth in this statement, since Skynet has already begun to destroy it. 
The other day, a funny video appeared on social networks, which showed an AI reconstruction of the faces of Roman rulers, of whom only statues remained.
In fact, this reconstruction is not the first and not the last:
After watching these videos, everyone has a logical question: where is at least one face that looks like Silvio Berlusconi’s mug? Or Adriano Celentano? Well, at least one of the Roman emperors looks like an Italian? Not like that. And if they are not similar, then whose descendants are Italians? 
Whose descendants they are, let the inhabitants of sunny Italy find out, of course. And also the inhabitants of sunny Greece, who consider themselves direct descendants of the Dorians, but at the same time you need to crawl all over Greece to find a dude with a face similar to the faces of ancient Greek statues. And then it turns out that this is a tourist from Germany. 
In other words, the entire ancient culture was created by people with faces typical of Northern Europe. Why did the Dorians leave Hellas? What happened to the ancient Romans and who now lives in their place? 
The answers to these questions are probably known only to the highest cardinals of the Vatican, who have library cards to the local secret library.  However, by reconstructing the appearance of ancient kings and heroes, we can now confidently say that all modern “history” is made up of nothing and has very little to do with the real world.
Moreover, history is the foundation on which any civilization stands. Without knowledge of history, people turn into Moksha vanyushki, who do not remember kinship further than one generation ago. And now Skynet is destroying this fairy tale, threatening to collapse the entire picture of the world. Soon, probably, even worse collapses will follow, so we are monitoring the developments.
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