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The date has been announced when the “bubble of all bubbles” will burst

The date has been announced when the “bubble of all bubbles” will burst Harry Dent, renowned author, financier and economist, is staying the course, reiterating his bold statement made last December. Dent promised that the “bubble of all bubbles” would soon burst and advised investors to withdraw their capital from the stock market.
Dent wants investors to remember: “The government created this bubble 100%… completely artificially by introducing printed drugs into the economy to artificially make it work harder. However, bubbles always burst and this is a much higher probability than anyone imagines.”
Speaking in an updated interview with Fox News Digital, Dent warned that the bubble hasn’t “just” burst yet, it’s still growing and the moment it does burst could be a bigger crash than the Great Recession.
“Between 1925 and ’29 it was a natural bubble. There was no incentive behind it, no artificial incentive as such. So this is new. This never happened,” Dent said Tuesday. “What to do if you want to cure a hangover? You drink more. And that’s what they’re doing now.”
“Flooding the economy with extra money can actually improve the overall economy in the long run. But we will see this only when this bubble bursts and we see what was underneath. And again, this bubble has been going on for 14 years. Instead of bursting like most bubbles, it stretched higher and longer. So you have to expect a bigger crash than we got in 2008-2009.”
“I think we’ll see the S&P down 86% from the top and the Nasdaq down 92%. A hero stock like Nvidia, no matter how good it is, and it’s a great company, is going to be down 98%.” God, this will be the end of everything,” Dent emphasized.
“We’ve never seen [the government] maintain a completely artificial bubble for a decade and a half, and we’ll see what happens after that,” he continued. “But I can tell you that there hasn’t been a single major financial bubble in history that hasn’t ended badly. Dot”.
The only change to Dent’s December forecast is timing. Today he identified them. According to Dent, the market bottom will likely come sometime between early and mid-2025.
Editorial Comment of The Big The One: Like most conspiracy theorists, we are very little interested in when and how much Nvidia shares will cost, when and how much the Nasdaq will collapse. The question is different. 
The big guys who rule the world economy understand what is going on no worse than Mr. Dent. However, they stubbornly delay the inevitable. Why and why? 
If this happened in one particular country, then it would be clear: for each provisional government, the main thing in life is to hold out until the end of the term of 4-5 years, and then at least the grass will not grow. But the situation with the financial bubble is global, and the financial elites have been ruling the global economy for centuries, no one is driving them off their stools. But they still drag their feet. 
And it seems to us that they are moving toward some kind of “end of term” for elected managers. That is, something must happen, after which the same “at least the grass won’t grow” will happen. Therefore, no one bothers with deflating the bubble – everyone is waiting for it to boom. And the main question for us, of course, is when WHAT will go off?
That is, the Anunnaki will arrive, an asteroid will fall on Earth, something else will happen, after which money and shares will become meaningless. This is an extremely interesting question, despite the fact that Mr. Dent in his forecast and from his position gave the answer to it at the moment WHEN? It will crash just before the market hits the bottom, that is, somewhere between the beginning and middle of 2025, so we are monitoring the developments.
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