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Within two years, millions of people were sold to slave traders from outer space

Within two years, millions of people were sold to slave traders from outer space

Since the beginning of the pandemic, when billions of law-abiding citizens were suddenly forced into isolation, conspiracy forums have from time to time expressed the idea that all this isolation is a cover for the abduction of people from Earth.
When a person goes to work every day, it is quite difficult to steal it from reality – everyone will be surprised if an employee disappears, and if there are a million such cases, people will panic. But when people have been locked up for months, no one will be surprised that after quarantine someone decided to change jobs and did not warn their bosses about it. 
In 2021, the first stage of the pandemic ended and conspiracy theorists were able to confirm some of their suspicions in practice. So, during the quarantine, millions of people either quit their jobs (for example, due to relocation) or were laid off (business destruction and all that), and the layoffs concerned prestigious positions and specialties. But the proletariat, who dug in poles for cell towers, both worked and continued to work – no one stopped for any quarantine.
Store salespeople and city infrastructure workers also did not undergo quarantine interruptions or quit their jobs. However, many doctors, engineers, lawyers and skilled workers during the quarantine suddenly got the crazy idea to give up everything and move to another state, sending the boss an email notification.
Another observation is all sorts of public venues: outdoor gyms, beaches, music festivals. Where it was always crowded with the words “there’s nowhere for an apple to fall,” it became empty and the organizers resort to all sorts of tricks that are well known to the organizers of paid rallies. That is, the extras are placed compactly and filmed diagonally across their heads. On TV it looks like a dance floor crowded with visitors, but people who went to such parties in real life look at such footage with wide eyes and mutter: there was no one there!
People have noticed a lot of such strange things – a huge amount of housing thrown onto the market, mass moves to other countries. Europeans write that after the quarantine was lifted, many of their friends rushed to the USA and Canada in search of a better life. There is also a large outflow from Israel. However, US residents say they have not seen an influx of French, Germans and Jews. On the contrary, they write that the city streets have become somewhat empty. And the Canadians write that no one is coming to them, that many are heading to America.  
In other words, we get some kind of strange system of communicating vessels: everyone seems to be leaving everywhere, but no one is coming anywhere. Perhaps only migrants, with whom governments seem to be trying to replace the annihilated population.
The topic has turned out to be so pressing that almost every topic receives thousands of comments and hundreds of thousands of views on popular sites:
 And today another comrade unsubscribed, sharing new valuable observations:
Noticed something unusual on social media. I think the urban legend about body snatchers may be very real.
It’s quite fun and similar to fishing. I’ll see something posted in one group like, “Hey, I just got a delivery from Walmart for K. Smith and I’m missing some items, blah blah blah.”  Then in another group I see someone post, “Hey, I just received an order from Walmart and it looks like I have extra items for K. Smith…”
Let’s say all this is written by bots to create the illusion of attendance. But the fact is that I am  a patrol pilot and my job is to detect objects from the air. One thing I’ve noticed over the last couple of years is a huge lack of people on the streets. And I wonder: is someone really removing people, replacing them with online personas?
I’ve never believed in body snatcher theories, but something about all of this doesn’t seem right and my gut tells me it has something to do with our abduction. I have an exceptional nose for scammers, I can  spot a scam a mile away and in less than a nanosecond. But this is some kind of unusual scam. It is huge and what they pull off is indistinguishable from the real thing.
Thus, the problem of body snatching looks quite real and to what has been said by thousands we can only add on our own the idea of “distance work” and “distance learning”, which were technically possible 20 years ago, but suddenly became fashionable only now, after the pandemic. At the same time, taking into account the capabilities of CGI (computer-generated imagery), any person can be pulled out of his workplace, typical traffic can be directed from this place (video, answers to questions from superiors, work on documents) – and no one will even notice that he is not communicating with employee, but with a computer system. 
The only unclear question so far is who kidnaps people and why? Some worry that we are being sold into slavery in the stars, exchanging us, as in the old days, for mirrors, iron knives and glass beads. And millions of earthlings are now languishing somewhere in the holds of space barges. If this is so, then at some point everyone will be sold and everyone will already notice, so we are monitoring the development of events.
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