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Why do all people have different dreams

Why do all people have different dreams, but everyone has the same dream about three days of darkness?

People’s attitudes towards dreams and visions are as different as the people themselves are different. Some believe everything unconditionally, others consider such things to be the delirium of pastors who have re-read the Bible and the fantasies of bored housewives. However, there is a clinical, so to speak, question for such skeptics. 
The psychiatric term “delirium” or “delirium” was formulated by the German psychiatrist Karl Jaspers at the beginning of the last century, and since then other psychiatrists have tried to somehow classify this delirium and find common themes and moments in it. And the plots there are really common: delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, delusions of external influence, and so on.
There are very, very many types of nonsense and they are all different, even if they are united by one plot. However, everyone’s nonsense about “three days of darkness” is so general that it is repeated in the smallest detail. So, today Citizen J. Williams will send  the following to
This morning I had a dream. I was talking to my mom on the phone about Bible stuff and end times. In this regard, we discussed the number thirty-forty-seven (3047), which was somehow important in this regard, but we could not understand it.
 While we were talking, my daughter walked across the hallway and opened the front door. She was going to take out the trash. Instead of going out, she just stood there and looked at something ahead. I asked her what happened and went out to her. 
In the living room where I was, the curtains were drawn and the windows were covered with black bags, so the room was dark. Our front door faces north. Looking outside, I saw that it was already light. I saw a blue sky and white puffy clouds, but there was one cloud, small and black as night. And lightning flashed inside him with great speed.
I looked at the sky again and noticed that it had become a strange color. Not bright, but somehow unrealistically colorful. I kept watching and then, still talking to my mom, I said, “This is happening!”
I could see darkness coming from the East. High in the sky I could see a black wall behind white clouds. I was especially worried about my husband, because he had already left for work.
I hastily told my mother to stay home for three days in a row. I told you to close all the windows and not look outside until three days have passed! I panicked! I said I had to go and hung up to call my husband.
I told my daughter that I needed to call my dad or he wouldn’t make it home in time! We should have had two hours, but darkness seemed to come early and was almost there. While I was calling my husband and arguing with my daughter, we missed the brief appearance of the northern lights, catching only its end, and then everything around was completely swallowed up in darkness. 
Thus, the plot is repeated over and over again, all people see the onset of three days of darkness in approximately the same way: an unexpected aurora, terrible clouds with lightning and a wall of darkness following them. Closed windows and some evil entities running around outside – that goes without saying. 
Everyone has the same thing, often coincidences even in small details. Therefore, there is undoubtedly something behind such dreams and visions, and the only question is WHEN. 
The aunt who responded says that the dream took place on March 30th. Two months passed, but the three days of darkness did not come. At the same time, many saw three days of darkness years ago. Does this mean that if there are three days of darkness, they will only happen years later?
Judging by the way things have turned out in the world, the three days of darkness are a matter of months rather than years, perhaps even weeks and days, so we continue to monitor the developments of events.
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