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A giant octopus has washed up on an Indonesian beach

A giant octopus has washed up on an Indonesian beach

Since April 2024, the attention of many researchers has been focused on an anomaly off the coast of Antarctica, where wave heights, according to satellite readings, sometimes reach 30 meters for some time.
There have been many and varied attempts to explain the phenomenon. In particular, one of them involves the opening of a portal to the Hollow Earth, from where prehistoric giants climbed to the surface. 
And so, it just so happened that yesterday the following little animal washed up on the shores of Indonesia:
Lombok is a small island in the Lesser Sunda Islands group. He looks at two oceans at once, but there is no information anywhere yet about where exactly this octopus was thrown, that is, from which side. 
What kind of living creatures this is is also not very clear. Similar to the giant squid Architerius. They live at very great depths and reach sizes of 8 meters. 
The friend who found the kraken came to the beach alone, so there was no one to stand nearby to assess the size. Nevertheless, the height of this brave naturalist is about 170 centimeters, he most likely held the phone at eye level, and we can already start from this size. Therefore, if you revive a squid, stretch it in length and place little men next to it, it will not be much smaller:

In the coming days, academicians with rulers will come to the beach and there will be some more accurate information, but for now you can already notice the following.
If we look at the question optimistically, then the squid was obviously thrown out from somewhere from the wild depths, where something strained it. For example, an underwater volcano or something like that. Therefore, we can think about an imminent earthquake in Indonesia. 
But you can look at the question with a pessimistic view, remembering that in these parts fishermen and scuba divers often find sharks whose heads have been bitten off by someone , like sprat :

A scuba diver appears in the frame, so the size of the shark can be estimated – its length was about three meters. Not the biggest fish, but not small either. To bite it you need jaws larger than those of the largest known shark.
Therefore, maybe the same large creature bit the squid, maybe even grabbed half of it and it didn’t swim to the beach whole. In this case, the day is not far off when such monsters will begin to eat tourists too, swallowing them right along with the ships, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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