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Some cosmetics are now being imported from the moon

Some cosmetics are now being imported from the moon

The number of sightings of two moons or planetary objects near the moon is gradually being compared with the number of sightings of two suns. Usually the second moon or an object similar to a darkened planet is located several degrees from the “base of the moon,” and if this object is not very clearly visible for orientation, the authors suggest using a mental dial centered on the moon.
However, there are some nuances with the position of the second moon:
The second video is from last year, and the first is new. It is obvious that the author brought them together because the phenomenon is similar.
We have already introduced our readers to our interpretation of the observation of paired luminaries. If we assume that a black hole has entered the solar system, then there is a so-called gravitational lens around it. And when this lens crosses the line of vision, on the other side we see all sorts of wonderful miracles.
Unfortunately, our theory does not explain two moons or two suns observed at very large angular distances, up to 180 degrees. That is, on different sides of the horizon, as in the video above. But there are people who can interpret even such a phenomenon:
Today on the Internet you can hear quite a lot of scary stories about the moon, but everyone tells them in their own way. So ufologists see the lunar brothers in mind as aliens, and pastors see them as demons, although in fact the truth is somewhere in the middle. That is, the technologies of these dudes are so advanced that for our fellow earthlings they are like magical miracles; people don’t even have words to describe these technologies.
And what struck us about this girl is that the voices in her head are blaring out in plain text. That is, they say exactly what we noticed above – about high technology, indistinguishable from witchcraft. And one of them is the ability to simultaneously be in two dimensions, into one of which the brothers in mind crammed their lunar base. Sometimes something goes wrong with them, which has happened quite often lately – and then we see two moons, although in theory there could be more.
Another amazing moment – the girl says that all the cool devices of recent decades have lunar ancestry. That is, it was the alien brothers who taught people how to make microprocessors, helped them make a breakthrough in materials science and all that.
We doubt that this girl came to such conclusions with her own mind – for this you need to have a very, very serious education and even that will not be enough, since you also need to communicate with equally educated people, each of whom is an expert in their field.
But could she have read this somewhere, and then acted as if on behalf of the voices in her head? Theoretically, yes, but practically… How many resources do you know, besides ours, where they write that it is technologically impossible for people to develop a microprocessor with ten billion transistors?
Bill Gates has been making his operating system for 40 years and each version has terrible bugs, which are then corrected over the course of 10 years with endless updates. And then some eggheads sat down and soldered a processor for a phone. And everything immediately started working perfectly. Then we smoked, drank coffee, and over the next two weeks we developed the next device.
Only a complete oligophrenic can believe in this circus. But, nevertheless, few allow themselves to talk about this openly because mental retardation will laugh. And since there were few, then the girl had no place to subtract.
She had nowhere to read about modern cosmetics. We are somehow endlessly concerned about this topic, but, nevertheless, women make up half of the population of planet Earth and half of our readers. And the other half has wives who probably use cosmetics.
And this girl says that some cosmetic brands also have direct origins from alien brothers. Voices in my head say that little green men are putting something in cosmetics and then people are losing their minds. They somehow become more labile and become easier to control.
The girl also says that giving birth recently is terribly not recommended – the alien brothers have mastered the technology of the Nephilim and now many children are already hybrids, that is, earthly women give birth to little green men who look absolutely like people and these children will have their say later when they grow up.
In general, you and I live in a terrible world and in terrible times. The only thing that calms me down is that, according to the voices in this girl’s head, as soon as people begin to see double moons very often and in great numbers, Aurors will come all over the world and three days of darkness, and with them a kirdyk will come for brothers in mind, so let’s follow the development events.
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