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May 24

Father Absolute – Two Realities (International Organizations)
May 24, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about what is happening in the legislative sphere on a larger scale – at the international level.
As you know, on your planet there are many Associations, Unions, Foundations, Blocks and other international organizations that develop their own charters, treaties, agreements, that is, the legislative framework on the basis of which they exist.
And what has been happening recently clearly demonstrates that the top of all these organizations is also not free in their actions.
Everything that their leadership is trying to impose on people indicates that it is not promoting the interests of the states included in these associations, but the plans of the world government to seize power and create a single center for managing global world processes.
This is especially pronounced in such associations as NATO, the European Union, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization – that is, in those associations that were created in order to protect the interests of the peoples of the countries that are members of them .
This was clearly stated in the Charters of each of them, and many of them were created with good intentions.
But gradually the secret world government introduced its representatives there, who occupied key positions at all levels and in all divisions of the above organizations.
And you can see the results of these globalists’ actions today with your own eyes.
Everything has already gone so far that all agreements, treaties, and, by and large, the meaning of the existence of these organizations are being rewritten on the fly at such a speed that people simply do not have time to keep track of it.
For example, the purely peaceful European Union, created to improve the well-being of the citizens of its member countries, within just a few years has turned into a warlike and bloodthirsty organization sponsoring military actions in countries that have nothing to do with it.
The NATO bloc, originally created as a purely defensive Union, has also turned into an offensive alliance, taking an active part in the military actions of countries not included in it.
The same thing is happening in the United Nations and other international organizations, whose leadership has long “professed” completely different “laws” – not those that were originally laid down in their basis.
A particularly striking example of the shameless violation of all international rights is the World Health Organization, which is openly sponsored by the world government and pharmaceutical giants and has long been concerned not about the health of the Earth’s population, but about the profits and other priorities of its sponsors and owners.
All of the above is a vivid example of how quickly, with the help of bribery and blackmail, in which representatives of the deep state are so successful, the best intentions of humanity, which initially carry a humane character, can be distorted beyond recognition.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 24, 2024

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