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Help for loved ones

Help for loved ones

We all want our children, our parents, all our loved ones… to have everything good in life.
Sometimes we worry when something doesn’t work out for them, we worry about them.
Sometimes we try to teach them to live in our own way, as we think is right and necessary, when they are not ready to hear us, they don’t want to.
And sometimes we even try to live for them, go through all the lessons, arrange for them everywhere…
Of course, all this is understandable from a human perspective. We want to help, but are we helping?
When we worry and worry about our loved ones, we send dark energies both to ourselves and to them. All our worries and experiences are visible on the subtle plane, right in our bodies, like darkening in the heart, in the aura.
When we try to teach life to those who are not ready to hear us, we harm relationships. A loved one begins to close themselves off from us. Because of this, less and less people hear us every day. And then we are surprised that our loved ones turn away from us.
And living for someone, no matter how much we want, will not work at all. This is simply impossible! You cannot breathe, walk, see and hear for someone… and therefore live. Everyone can only choose everything on their own path, make a choice (refusal to make a decision in life is also a choice). I am responsible for him. Through choice he creates his life.
How then can we help?
Believe in the person that he can handle anything! Faith is the Light that we shed on a person and this energy can help.
Inspire him to be the best! When we are determined for the best, we reach out to it, attract it to ourselves. From faith in the best, even strength appears within, faith in yourself!
Accept a person for who he is (with all his mistakes, shortcomings, imperfections…). Acceptance means a calm response to their life, their choice as an invaluable experience on Earth.
And, of course, Love! Just Love! This is our most powerful support!
When we simply love our loved ones (whatever they may be), the Light of our Heart flows. And it makes us feel calmer inside. All worries and worries go away and dissolve in Love.
The Light of the Heart flies to our loved ones. On the subtle plane you can see how it envelops them. And the person feels that he is simply Loved. Not for anything, but they simply love him… And this supports him throughout life!
You can also ask for help from the forces of light and God for your loved ones. You can also call on the support of Rod. And they will definitely help! The help they need will come!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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