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Aina: Quality of life and quality of perception

Aina: Quality of life and quality of perception

Channeling: architect

Ch.: Hello, Aina. After the conversation about collapsing the space of transformation, I was asked the following question.
“If many people stay here, how can we continue to live in this madhouse? What can you improve about yourself to live a more promising and productive life?”
Aina: Hello.
There are approaches to life that help you live fully not only in favorable conditions, but also in unfavorable ones, without loss of quality of perception. But before we move on to analyzing this term, let’s first talk about a term that is more understandable to earthlings – quality of life.
When people say “quality of life,” they mean a list of goods and services that help us live comfortably: food, water, affordable healthcare and education, housing, safety, a developed labor market, recreation, entertainment industry, etc. You can also add interpersonal relationships here: if there is no loved one, friends, children, etc. nearby, a person may evaluate this negatively.
All these are matrix parameters through which human perception is controlled from the outside. Simply put: do not give the average person all of the above in sufficient volume and quality, and he will call himself unhappy. When they say that certain destructive forces (be it earthly authorities and corporations, or even higher civilizations) control humanity, then control occurs precisely through such levers of influence as components of the quality of life.
But let us immediately note that the method of controlling a person through matrix parameters is indirect. A person may give the expected reaction, or maybe not. He is not at all obliged to dance to someone else’s tune. It is impossible to force a person to be unhappy, because he has his own head on his shoulders. The only question is the strength of his desire to be the master of his thoughts, feelings and states of consciousness.
It may seem to a person that life is forcing him to be unhappy, and the most convincing conditions have arisen for this, that he has the right to be unhappy, that this is an adequate, fair reaction to what is happening.
But let’s question this “normality”, “adequacy” and “fairness” of negative reactions. And let’s look at the root: man was taught to think this way. His reactions to the world are social conditioning. If you look at the people of the East, it is quite obvious that they have a different mindset and reactions to the world are completely different. Under the influence of the spiritual systems of Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., these people learned from childhood that the cause of suffering is hidden in human ignorance. This is the greatest wisdom of the East: if you suffer, look for the reason within yourself.
Patterns of reactions to the world are embedded in the mind quite deeply. When you try to change them, they tend to resist and return to past established states. On the one hand, this is good: many reactions in an adult are triggered quickly and automatically, this saves him time and energy. The fact that his reactions are stable helps a person maintain the integrity of his mind. On the other hand, when reactions to the world are pessimistic, in the format of “the unbearable weight of existence,” it can be difficult for a person to lift and crush this block, even if he is no longer able to carry it.
So, the inflexibility of reactions to the world when trying to change them is a normal property of the mind; it has a positive function. Therefore, the task of changing your thinking patterns is difficult, but you can approach this difficulty without unnecessary grief. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the foundation of a personality is laid out of bricks, not straw – it’s more reliable. When these bricks have to be changed, it is painstaking work, but you can be patient and tune in to thorough regular work in order to replace these patterns in yourself.
There are no “most normal” and “most adequate” reactions to the world. Doubts can also be caused by “my own, most dear” thinking patterns, since too much is brought in from outside in the process of socialization. If a person is accustomed to thinking in a certain way, if he once appropriated some logic of thought, this does not mean that his worldview is a consequence of some of his deep, primordial properties. If a person’s existing reactions to life make him unhappy, they can be compared to tight, itchy clothes, or hard, rubbing shoes. Do I even need to continue wearing all this?
Many people defend their way of thinking because “it’s mine,” and everything that’s “mine” must be protected. Let’s imagine that a person has a safe with the most valuable things, and he believes in its inviolability, that only he has the password. This means that everything he put there must be preserved and protected. But if you look with an impartial eye, in his safe you can find things that are useless and even cluttering. And in general, his safe does not close. Unless this person is already a master, master of his every thought and reaction. Only in this case is access to his consciousness limited.
But in general, a person is connected to the collective consciousness of civilization, not only the earthly one, but also those above it. Access, albeit limited, to his mind many have. Something can be regularly placed in his safe through the people around him, the media, or through connections of his individual consciousness to the collective consciousness. In such conditions, you simply cannot have everything in your head.
Having decided to remove the status of a “sacred cow” from the contents of his mind, doubting that all this needs to be preserved as “his own, dear,” a person gains significant flexibility, which will help him change his reactions to the world that make him unhappy. If you consciously choose your own, native, thoughtful thinking, isn’t it strange to hold on to pessimistic patterns? What healthy interest can a person have in this choice?
There are people with a hidden love for the dramas of life. They care about everything in the world due to their own not always conscious choices. They prefer a stormy sea to calm and sunshine, because the storm worries them more – it dispels their boredom. If there is no storm nearby, they will go to the farthest shore with big waves and find their sad consolation there. I propose to recognize such preferences because they can influence the formation of the human script.
But if a person is constructive, if his problem is that life has taught him to think this way, for example, this worldview was in his family, or he grew up in a specific environment, then thinking patterns are changeable. Not all at the same time, but taking out one brick at a time and replacing it with a new one is a very real task. There is no monumental, unshakable “I” that cannot be changed. The human worldview is not a rock; it is rather a flexible set of parameters, most of which, with due effort, can be radically transformed.
Speaking about the matrix influence on a person, I will immediately say that the matrix itself is not some kind of solid hostile entity, but rather a set of tools and rules for local participants, a technical and organizing part of the earth’s development platform. We conditionally use the word “matrix”, meaning a set of diverse participants, both local and superior, who actively operate on the earthly plane of existence. Highlight this word “act”. Your dense world reacts too weakly to thought forms, so those who act in their own interests ultimately shape earthly existence for all other participants. The interests of active participants often conflict, and this further complicates the picture. Accordingly, the influence of the matrix on people is often inconsistent.
A simple example: in a person’s family there is one opinion, in the work team there is another, and through different media he receives a dozen more. And in this noise it is extremely difficult to choose a position that will not weaken him, will not harm him, will not pull the ground from under his feet. Especially if a person chooses not with his mind, but with his emotions.
Speaking about the matrix control of human perception, it is important to realize that there is no single pest that can be neutralized and live a different life. The influence of the matrix on a person is a combination of the influences of completely different participants acting in their own interests. Increased subjectivity (within reasonable limits) belongs precisely to active participants: not good or bad, not the smartest or the stupidest, but those who are not afraid of real actions.
People who do not act to shape earthly reality, but simply live their lives, are rather consumers of matrix products, and there is a constant struggle for their attention. Having realized himself as a consumer of matrix products, a person may refuse to get involved in the next attraction: not only at the level of actions, but also at the level of thoughts and emotions.
Can another attraction that earthlings are addicted to spoil the life of a particular person? Yes, because earthly reality is a collective experience. Is this a reason to be upset? No. It is pointless to be upset, because this is also involvement, and through it a person will lose resources that will go to an attraction that causes a negative response from him.
The attraction feeds on indifference. Whether they love him or hate him, it doesn’t matter. If he has attracted attention, through this contact he takes away part of people’s resources, this is how he feeds. Imagine that a certain hydra has spread through the media around the world with a million tentacles and is spreading its negative information influence. The only rational solution: dodge the tentacle. Don’t let him get inside you, don’t fight with him, just dodge. No contact at all. It seems that the rejection reaction helps to keep this tentacle at bay. This is wrong. Such a fight is lost before it even begins. To react negatively means to come into contact and pay for the attraction. It is possible to remain in the black only if you do not interact at all.
We now use the word “attraction” in a neutral sense: as something that attracts attention* (*French attraction – attracting).
So, if a person’s satisfaction depends on the quality of life, the matrix controls it. Deyat Individual participants in your world are extremely rarely altruistic, so expectations that the matrix will ultimately make a person happy are meaningless. A clear awareness of these facts is already half the battle in order to get out from under external control. As long as the matrix controls human perception through earthly goods and media, his reactions to the world will be a plus for someone else and a minus for himself.
Matrix power over people is as strong as it is ephemeral. But in order to feel its ephemerality, it is necessary to do thorough internal work to close connections with destructive matrix systems. Until this work is done, the power of the matrix is strong over a person, it is capable of harming him, feeding on him and even depriving him of his life. There should also be no neglect here: although this is an illusion, it is strong, since underneath it lie completely real processes of energy exchange.
The energy exchange in your world is destructive, which means that the earthly world is an incredibly complex set of food chains, most of which are parasitic; in the sense that they receive more life resources from the surrounding space than they produce. And all these processes are controlled by two impulses: need (basic needs for survival) and interest (all other needs).
Profit in business and profit in work are also often obtained not through increasing the resource of life, but through redistribution. That is, someone gains, and someone loses and becomes poorer. Even legitimate business and honest work at the level of energy exchange often have a parasitic character. Man parasitizes the resources of the planet, the plants and animals he eats. I say this to remove the negative attitude towards the word “parasitism”, because if not there, then every person does this. This is how your world works, and this is how you yourself work.
The structure of the earth’s food chains is quite inert, and it is not easy to change it. This is well understood in the example of the animal world, when by removing only one animal from an established ecosystem, the entire system comes into severe imbalance, up to the migration or extinction of dozens of species.
A person is part of a complex food chain, where he feeds himself and someone else feeds on him. There is no point in fighting the system of matrix chains of resource redistribution, even if you don’t like their existence. It will either be Don Quixote fighting with windmills – that is, just fantasy. Or, if a person starts to act (and in the earthly world only action has some weight), he can be crushed.
The same matrix structures perform completely neutral and useful functions: for example, the redistribution of food, both fine material, and the transportation of physical food. The management of mineral extraction, global production of goods, the infrastructure of countries and cities, global transport flows and many other industries on Earth function so efficiently because matrix structures govern them.
The earthly world is complex, and a person needs to live in it somehow. We take as the basis of our conversation that he wants to live well, he wants to be satisfied with his life. This seems incompatible with rigid matrix processes, but it is not. A person can live his life productively and with pleasure, but it is necessary in his value system to reduce the importance of the quality of life and put the quality of personal perception first. The quality of life often does not depend on a person, since these parameters are predominantly formed by global matrix structures that are not a person’s friends. But personal perception can be completely in the power of a person. At least if he stops letting destructive external influences inside himself.
Everyone has heard the phrase: “If you can’t change the world, change your attitude towards it.” She describes in simple words what I’m talking about: if you can’t control the quality of your life, work on the quality of your personal perception.
A well-trained mind is able to control its involvement in the matrix food chains through constructive thinking and the right system of intentions. And he does this by controlling personal perception. By refusing to feed parasitic structures through reacting to earthly events, a person saves his resources and can direct them to building a deeply developed inner world. Everyone can receive a sufficient amount of resources from the surrounding space. All that remains is to learn how to distribute them to your maximum benefit.
A person can build a relatively closed internal circuit for the circulation of resources that he managed to save. When resources are invested only in what a person himself has considered valuable and useful, he becomes more powerful, his mood improves, and his life feels fuller.
A person can also invest his resources in a strong family if it is loving and grateful. Or into a rewarding business.
Involving other people reduces control over the process of managing personal resources. But a person can consciously take risks, investing your energy in connections with people who may not make a reciprocal contribution to these relationships.
There is a characteristic feeling in a person that can be described as follows: “the matrix hangs over and suffocates,” “it’s hard and painful to live,” “it’s already unbearable.” It signals that human involvement in parasitic food chains has reached its maximum. He has so little resource left for his personal life that there is a threat to his existence. He is drained to the dregs through matrix pressure levers, but he himself actively participates in this, directing his attention to the negative aspects of life or indulging his addictions. You can stop the outflow by changing your perception of life. You can also give up on addictions, since they usually arise due to the low quality of a person’s perception, simply put: life seems unattractive to him.
The power of the matrix over humanity in the form in which it exists rests on voluntary donations: people on the subtle plane redirect their resources to various matrix attractions through their indifference. Only indifference does not create in a person an outflow of his personal resources in favor of the matrix. Accordingly, the saved energy can be used for your own needs.
People who are dissatisfied with life and actively show this are the ones who donate to local attractions more than others. Why is this happening? Because pouring personal dirt into the flows of energy exchange is expensive. The Matrix takes an additional fee from the soul for draining the negative. It’s like raising taxes on a factory that dumps toxic waste into its wastewater to encourage it to develop cleaner processes.
Processing the negativity spilled by the soul into the world is difficult and costly. Due to uncontrolled outbursts of negativity among local souls, the world is becoming destructive and settling. Therefore, the stronger the negative emanation from a person, the more intensely he spends the resources of his soul to compensate for the harm that he causes to this world.
It seems that everything is wrong: it is the world that harms a person, and he already reacts fairly. And the most obvious reaction is to return to the world streams of swear words and honest hatred, and maybe even take revenge. A destructive world can and does harm. But if you respond negatively, it creates a vicious circle. The more negativity spills out into this world, the more unbearable it ultimately becomes to live in it. There is no point in responding to the toxic waste of a local factory by pouring your own and expecting that this will lead to a cleaner environment.
People who pour negativity into this world, no matter what their thoughts, are unwittingly sponsoring this “feast of vultures.” By reacting positively to local attractions, a person will donate less. By reacting negatively, he will donate more. By reacting with indifference, he saves resources for himself.
Matrix megastructures have their own obligations to the world; this is fixed by higher laws. If they raise waves of negativity among people, they are obliged to collect and dispose of it all. Simply put: your dirt, you sort it out. And they do it: they collect streams of negativity, somehow clean them or merge them into dark worlds. But a dirty resource is still a resource. And the more the matrix participant collects any resources, the more actively he gains his power.
This is how energy exchange works. These are processes built on the properties of the God particle, and it is almost impossible to control such properties. But knowing how everything works, you can act more effectively.
CH: It’s really difficult to understand. For people, everything is simpler: if you like it, you donate or like it; if you don’t like it, you don’t donate, and you dislike it. It turns out that the properties of the God particle do not allow us to make these processes more logical?
A.: Yes, they don’t allow it. Imagine that a person’s attention was attracted by some attraction that caused him to be indignant. At the level of energy exchange, this disturbance is accompanied by a trickle of life resource, clouded by heavy particles. Simply put, a person on a subtle level threw mud at something he didn’t like. All bursts of souls are collected, this is another law of energy exchange: nothing should spill into the void. Who will collect the human splash? Obviously – a megastructure that organized the attraction (sometimes a dark teacher, if he uses the situation as a lesson for a person). As a result: the person spent money, the megastructure received his dirty resource.
Where do heavy particles come from in humans? From dark worlds. All souls on Earth have access to the dark worlds as they learn to take from both “above” and “below.” And so the person pulled up a portion of heavy particles through the lower chakras, saturated his life resource with them and splashed them into what he did not like (reacted negatively emotionally). The more often he indulges in this, the heavier he becomes, and the dirtier his flows at the level of the lower chakras.
Heavy particles are similar in effect to radiation; they tend to penetrate the structures of the soul and settle deep in them. It is difficult to cleanse the subtle bodies of them. With insufficient regeneration, heavy particles destroy human structures: wear and tear of the body, diseases, mutations (neoplasms). Saturation with heavy particles burdens perception, the world begins to feel gloomy, cold, and hard. Simply put, heavy particles poison a person.
The most gentle reactions towards yourself are also the most gentle towards the world around you: do not respond to negativity with negativity. This is how a person saves personal resources and helps this world not to gain destructiveness indicators and not to sink even lower. After all, the lower the Earth goes, the more predatory the matrix becomes, and the more difficult it is to resist it by regulating your perception.
Having realized this, you can, through the management of personal perception, block access to parasitic structures, this will help accumulate strength. Even if the matrix pressure is strong, a person is able to accumulate resources through indifference, guided by a conscious decision that no one will receive his resource without his consent – no matter how convincing the matrix uses.
Now the situation on Earth is not too advanced, and a person’s exit from matrix destructive exchange systems after reconfiguring perception is possible and guaranteed by the system of earthly development. Each soul has rights, and as its reactions to the world change, the connections of parasitic systems are removed from it, and this is monitored from above. But first a person changes his perception, then his connections with parasitic matrix structures are closed. Not the other way around. You need to show persistence and determination for as long as it takes. For some, it may take a year to rebuild their perception, for others five, and for others even longer. It all depends on the person and the amount of effort put in.
I also suggest thinking about what the difference is between indifference and contempt. Quite often people confuse one with the other. Contempt is also a negative reaction. It is much more economical than intense involvement in earthly attractions, but is still quite far from constructive indifference. I would say that the most balanced indifference to the negativity of the surrounding world is a little good-natured, condescending. You can formulate it approximately like this: “I decided to get involved in the earthly world to the minimum necessary extent. But I let him be. I respect the choices of other souls that shape earthly reality. The world doesn’t revolve around my wishes.”
By constructive indifference I mean neutral reactions to life that maximally save the personal resources of a person living in close proximity to parasitic megastructures, always ready to appropriate his resources if he loses his vigilance.
Ch.: This way you can endlessly deceive people for resources through bad news and provocations.
A.: No, it doesn’t work indefinitely either. When the dissatisfied grassroots take action, they exhibit collective will. The collective will of humanity is capable of grinding down any attraction that it does not like. Earth’s history is full of serious social upheavals that radically changed its course. Thus, people got rid of attractions to which they had said a firm “no.”
C.: What will happen if all people become indifferent to the attractions of the matrix?
A.: Simultaneous indifference to the attractions of civilization among all its participants is a rather implausible outcome. Souls are driven by interest in new things. Accordingly, it is more likely that local attractions will evolve to retain the interest of earthlings. Over time, they will acquire new features and reformat. Or they will outlive their usefulness, then they will be replaced by new attractions that can arouse feelings in people.
Attraction properties may vary. Not all of them are bad. Some give people positive impressions, without them it would be much more boring. And those attractions that people don’t like feed on their own indifference.
I’ll give you a simple example: hunting a mammoth. Once upon a time, the souls who incarnated in the primitive tribes of the Earth were interested in this attraction. He ensured their survival. What role does hunting for large animals currently play in the modern world? Let’s say there are still a certain number of avid hunters. But, objectively speaking, this attraction has lost its relevance a very long time ago. And hundreds of new ones took its place, and souls were drawn with interest into fresh experiences.
Ch.: It happens that everything falls on a person at the same time, thus the matrix pumps out all the strength. And there is no other way. What should I do?
A: Such situations really do happen. But you can also save your resources in them. A sober assessment of emergency situations often reveals points of saving energy, which will not harm anyone, and will also benefit the person himself.
Emergency situations often cause a lot of unnecessary emotions, and not all of the resources expended are spent on productive activities. Very often, strength is spent more intensely than is really necessary due to a person’s emotional incontinence. He begins to get irritated, rush around, rush, make mistakes and redo things.
Managing emergency situations is a separate art. But the key to saving personal resources is quite simple:
Do not waste a single drop and when you don’t regret wasted resources.
Work on mistakes in order to spend resources more efficiently in the future – yes. Never regret a negative experience. Any negative experience, accepted with gratitude, is the most valuable source of wisdom and skill.
CH: If people develop a reaction of indifference, who will change this world for the better?
A.: If there are a sufficient number of people on Earth who are able to control their perceptions and are resistant to the provocations of local parasitic networks, this world will change in a positive direction and rapid growth will begin. After all, a large group of people who share a common worldview inevitably begins to influence the surrounding space, adapting it to their needs.
But I understand what you mean. I’ll ask a counter question: will a person act to change something in a situation that doesn’t suit him?
If the answer is “no, I won’t,” then what is the beneficial effect of his negative experiences? It’s just a waste of resources.
If the answer is “yes, I will,” the question is a little different: how much do negative experiences help him act? There is no doubt that with a calm, cool mind, a person will be able to think through and implement a more effective strategy. And emotions only increase the likelihood of mistakes. So the conclusion is the same: negative experiences are simply a waste of a resource.
You can try this exercise. In one column, write down the items of expenditure of your resource on negative thoughts or actions, and in the second column honestly answer the question: what useful effect did I get from this?
For example, “yesterday I was upset all evening because of the injustice of this world,” or “I was angry with my boss all weekend,” or “I ate stress all day until I felt sick.” What benefit did I get from this?
The most common answers will be three:
– The effect is negative, it only got worse.
– The effect is zero, then what is the use of this negativity?
– The effect is positive. Then another question: what gave this result? Negative emotions in themselves or some kind of rational thoughts, actions and decisions?
Motivation to improve your life and negative engagement are not related. Although the mind often sculpts them together, it is irrational. Motivation is the real engine of human life. And a negative reaction to life too often turns out to be a waste and even a destructive waste. They need to be separated.
The most effective transformers of this world were impenetrable optimists. That’s why they were able to achieve so much. If you direct all your resources into positive motivation, and don’t waste anything on grief and the procrastination that follows, you can be very productive and get a lot done.
Yes, we often see a picture of how life whips a person on the back with a twig, and he moves forward angrily and reluctantly. But I seriously suggest not to play in the “life forces me” drama. A conscious person does everything himself, of his own free will, even unpleasant things. He rationally assesses the benefits of his activities as sufficient, and then he takes it and does it because it is in his interests. Or he doesn’t, ready to accept the negative consequences of his failure to do so.
Even if a person has a tough scenario and is operating at the limit of his capabilities, it is better not to practice the “life left me no choice” approach. The role of a worker or a sufferer, in which he is emotionally immersed, can give him satisfaction and increase his value. And matrix structures will willingly create living conditions for a person so that he continues to play his role, which emotionally excites him. As a result, the person will drink a lot. There is a saying among the developers of earthly scenarios: while I am playing my role, the role is playing me.
Complex roles require increased emotional discipline, otherwise a person will waste and empty himself through his role. But this is not at all necessary. Difficult scenarios do not always come out of the woodwork. Having mastered saving personal resources, a person can become truly impenetrable and effective, always remaining in the black and receiving satisfaction from overcoming difficulties.
I propose to master this approach to life: do everything voluntarily and be guided only by positive motivation. It can always be formulated; people do little without benefit for themselves.
“I act voluntarily, guided by my own conscious choice. I voluntarily invest my resources only in what benefits me. I accept responsibility for the consequences of my choices.”
If people strive to live a full life, then their negative involvement in earthly reality does not help in achieving this goal. They are good at only one task – being unhappy. Is this their task? No. Then whose? Someone else’s. There are many participants in earthly life who benefit from people being oppressed and unhappy – it’s easier to control them this way.
“To be negatively involved in earthly reality is to live according to the tasks of those who are indifferent to my happiness.”
Then what should you do to followto your task: to live fully? First of all, be calm about the fact that the quality of life can be low. We have already found out that through the parameters of a person’s quality of life, relationships of dependence on the matrix are built. Since there is famine on earth, the removal of resources through these connections is now quite intense in all areas where a person shows weakness. While the quality of life directly affects his mood, he is vulnerable and often allows parasitic energy exchange networks to take away his resources.
Of course, a person needs a certain list of benefits, without which he, as a biological organism, simply cannot survive. But it’s better not to think about things that you can easily live without as objects of need. Need is a direct connection with matrix destructive energy exchange systems. Of course, they also offer something to the person, since this is still an exchange. If they don’t offer anything, they won’t last long.
Let’s say a person really wants to relax at a resort for a couple of weeks, but his employer won’t let him. And so he somehow rearranges his schedules, persuades his colleagues to replace him, does the work two weeks in advance and finally gets his well-deserved vacation. The only question is: how exhausted did he come to the resort? Hadn’t everything possible been sucked out of him beforehand? Will he enjoy it, or will he barely have time to make up during his vacation what he spent on preparing for the vacation?
There are things that are relatively easy to get. They seem to come into their own hands. This is a source of positive impressions and replenishment of resources for a person.
There are things that you have to fight for, snatch from life what is not in your hands. This is almost certainly a matrix trap, and a person will spend more on it than they will benefit from.
When a person strives to manage the quality of life, he very often runs into matrix traps. There is always an inaccessible tidbit at stake, for which he will expend a lot of energy to obtain. In matrix traps, the real benefit for a person is negative. He gives more than he receives. This is the point of resource outflow that I can recommend closing first: inaccessible tidbits that you have to snatch from life. Instead, it is better to switch to accessible sources of joy and pleasure.
Ch.: And what to do in such a situation: not go on vacation?
A.: It’s not for me to decide whether a person wants to pay a high price or not. Transactions with matrix systems are often unprofitable, and yet they are not pure robbery. But if it is quite obvious to a person that in the end it will be expensive, that everything will be squeezed out of him, at least he has a choice – not to pay and not to kill himself because of the inaccessibility of an element of a comfortable life. Get by with a more modest but affordable vacation option: a summer cottage, a picnic in the park, etc.
If an element of a comfortable life is given to a person with severe discomfort, then there is clearly a catch. And who benefits from this in the end? To the person himself or to the one who cleverly hooked him on the hook of need?
There are many cases where, in pursuit of quality of life, people, guided by false need or negative involvement, ended up in a deep disadvantage. I hope our conversation will help them analyze which interactions with the matrix were unprofitable for them, and will be able to henceforth spend their resources more consciously and economically.
Now let’s talk about the quality of perception. I would say that Buddhism does a great job of explaining the causes of suffering and how to get rid of it, but it doesn’t pay as much attention to the enjoyment of life. Where can one get it from if a person has seriously decided to give up the matrix pursuit of goodies?
A person can be happy on his own. Happiness is an internal state. On Earth, it is generally accepted that a person achieves happiness by consuming the goods of this world or building relationships with other people. That’s how he was taught to think. But happiness is not conditioned by anything.
Believing that the means of achieving happiness are external, a person himself creates his own dependence on the world. At the same time, the world is not always in a hurry to respond to his needs. As a result, we often have a situation where a person, in upset feelings, shouts to the world “give it!”, but it remains silent in response.
I will answer for the world:
Take it! But don’t take what is inaccessible or always eluding. Take happiness – directly. Take joy – directly. Happiness and joy come from within.
There are many unhappy people who have everything. And there are many happy people who have almost nothing. The happiest people on Earth are those who have achieved states of consciousness of supreme grace. These are mainly monks from different spiritual systems, yogis and other experienced masters. Some of them live in the world and work with followers. The other part leads a very ascetic, secluded lifestyle. Also, simple and very poor deeply religious Christians from closed communities succeeded in states of happiness, having experienced states that they themselves call the descent of the holy spirit on them. All these people transformed their attitude towards life according to the instructions of their chosen spiritual system. Their perception became a well-oiled instrument that helped them achieve states of inner fullness.
These are the facts about the causes of true happiness on Earth. The list of very happy and averagely happy people does not even include a single rich person who, it would seem, can take everything from this world.
Everyone has his own path. You don’t have to become a monk. But it is necessary to manage one’s perception if a person wants to live a full life.
No one spares the resource of life for a person who truly chooses to be happy. Everyone who chooses to be happy is helped from above. Even if they have purely earthly interests and do not engage in any practices, these are developed souls. More developed than actively working on oneself, practicing, but continuing to lose heart. Being happy is a complex and important skill. If a person does not pay enough attention to him in the development process, he misses a lot, his development process is incomplete.
Some intellectually developed but pessimistic people consider masters of happiness to be “fools who don’t understand anything.” This position is far from the truth. Being happy requires aerobatics. Masters of Happiness have succeeded in a complex practical field, and have put as much effort into their skills as an experienced airline pilot into mastering his technically complex profession.
An internal contradiction that many people do not realize is that they want to be happy while choosing to be unhappy. A person chooses happiness or unhappiness through his reactions to the world.
It is impossible to choose happiness if your head is full of difficult thoughts. The sun is not visible behind the storm clouds, and happiness is not visible behind the heavy thoughts.
Happiness in pure worlds, where there are too few destructive manifestations, is not very expressive. This is just a smooth, pleasant state, like water at 37 degrees. I would say that an earthly person would like brighter positive feelings. To make the feeling of happiness brighter and more satisfying, contrast is necessary. Contrast is created only by destructive worlds, including the earthly one. When there is something to compare with, happiness results in the desired intensity. For example, a person compares his states from the past, when he was often depressed, and his current states, after he found the recipe for his happiness. A person knows that his new states of consciousness are an achievement, a consequence of conscious efforts and rejection of the weaknesses of the past. It is these states of happiness that are felt to be the most valuable and bring the most satisfaction to a person.
When you get used to good things, they become ordinary. When happiness is guaranteed by a greenhouse environment, it becomes barely perceptible, illusory. But when a person works every day on his states of consciousness and refuses to be negatively involved in the surrounding reality, he can be satisfied with his daily small victories.
So, through reactions to the world, a person chooses how he will live. If reactions to the world are neutral or positive, this contributes to the active accumulation of personal resources.
Imagine that the attitude to the world is a subtle thread through which streams of life resources flow from a person into the surrounding space. And those who distribute these flows among people from above must do it rationally. And so they look at a person’s expense items: what’s on his agenda? And they see there: “I don’t want to,” “I’m suffering,” “I’m annoyed,” etc.
To pour resources into such thoughts is to encourage them, to fill them with life. Then, after the infusion, the person will become even more reluctant, suffer even more, and become even more irritated. If a person feels deenergized, they may have too many negative thoughts in their head. They really won’t pour resources into a person from above while he thinks like this. After all, through it, this resource-enhanced negativity will flow further into the world along the threads. A person will spend it on negative involvement, like an alcoholic spending his last money in a pub.
People whose thoughts are full of negativity do not direct infusions from above towards their happiness; they only begin to spin bad thoughts in their heads with greater passion. Hence the lack of strength. Many are not nourished so that they suffer less, and do not feed local attractions such as wars and financial crises through their negative involvement. Otherwise, this wheel of suffering will spin stronger and stronger: due to the lack of discipline of thoughts, people will not retain food within themselves, and in the end everything will be spent on feeding parasitic networks.
Therefore, in order to receive more strength, a person needs to prepare positive thoughts and plans for life, which his management team would like to encourage with infusions of life resource.
So, the first stage: accumulation of personal resources. A person learns not to waste his energy on negative involvement through constructive indifference.
Constructive indifference is not indifference or nihilism. This is the ability to not become emotionally involved in a problem that a person needs to solve. It is also an emotional skill It is important not to get involved in problems whose solutions are not in his power. In any situation, a person, bypassing the flow of negative thoughts, immediately asks himself the question: what can I do?
Having come up with a plan of useful actions, he forms for himself a positive motive with which he will solve the problem. For example: “I’ll deal with my troubles by the end of the week, and I’ll rest easy on the weekend.”
Self-encouragement works well as part of positive motivation. Having mastered this technique, you can become more satisfied with life and move mountains. You should always reward yourself for completed tasks, even if the prize is small or symbolic. For example, at the end of a hard week, a person promises himself to eat his favorite cake. This is an important element of self-love that costs nothing to implement into your life.
In difficult situations, a constructive approach also works. During times of great shock, the human mind often becomes isolated in its stress and spins the same negative thoughts in a circle. The question “what can I do?” allows you to open this circle: either outline a plan of action, or identify an unsolvable problem, digest it more calmly, come to terms with it and quickly return to normal states.
But, of course, it is better to consolidate the skill on small everyday troubles. Then the new thinking, which has become habitual and automatic, will allow you to not fall so much into negative states during periods of severe stress and reduce the time you spend in them to a reasonable minimum.
Well-mastered constructive indifference can help people a lot. It is a very supportive skill to move on to finding solutions or admitting that a problem cannot be solved in situations where everyone is upset and confused. While chaos reigns in people’s heads, a person who has mastered constructive indifference is usually the first to voice reasonable thoughts and possible solutions to the problem.
The approach of constructive indifference is well reflected in Buddhist wisdom:
“If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it; if a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it.”
Constructive indifference also lies at the heart of the Buddhist teaching of compassion. Although the word “compassion” is unfortunate and does not reflect the essence of this approach.
A Buddhist’s compassion is an even, elevated state of consciousness in which he himself resides, and from which he, to the best of his ability, helps people dispel their negative states of consciousness. That is, compassion is sharing your states of happiness, helping another person see the sun behind the storm clouds.
Effective compassion ends when the practitioner is unable to maintain his positive states himself and begins to become involved in the suffering of others. On the subtle plane, such a person, being in an elevated state, holds on himself a section of the support network. But as soon as he becomes involved in the suffering of others, he himself becomes depressed. Then there is no one to maintain the network, and everyone suffers, including himself.
Accordingly, the amount of help to people within the framework of constructive indifference is determined by how stable a person’s positive states are in the process of solving problems. If the stability of positive states is low, it must first be strengthened. If resilience is high, a person is able to help a lot.
The most effective help within the framework of constructive indifference is that a person does not solve other people’s problems, but helps people change their states of consciousness to more positive ones. Then they find the strength to live on and cope with their difficulties on their own.
The approach of constructive indifference within the framework of personal perception management is based on three simple theses:
1) a stable choice to be happy;
2) forming your reactions to life, in accordance with the main choice – to be happy;
3) helping other people by conveying to them the ideas of constructive indifference.
You can call this the path of a modern bodhisattva (Smiles).
As a baby, a person cries a lot. Any little thing, a toy taken away, can upset him so much that he will cry for an hour without stopping. But as a person grows up, he learns to control the manifestations of his negative reactions to life. Any person, in comparison with his infancy, has achieved tremendous success in his management of perception, otherwise adults would continue to cry over any trouble in all public places: in the subway, at work, in the store.
The assessment of the importance of children’s toys also changed with age. They were once very important, but now they have become trinkets not worth the trouble. That is, as the mind develops, the list of what is valuable and important changes significantly. And what makes a person upset now may not cause more upset in the future.
Having realized this huge increase in understanding that has already occurred to every person in the process of developing the mind, it is logical to assume that you can continue to change your attitude towards life.
As you grow older, the culture of perception grows, and nothing prevents you from continuing to develop it, even if a person is already in adulthoodm or old age. You can compare this to the culture of eating food or the art of tea. The preferences of some people are simple: they eat quickly and indiscriminately, and don’t even know that there are a lot of types of tea. But there are people who have developed a high culture of consumption: gourmets and tea masters already understand all the flavor nuances of what they consume.
A culture of perception helps a person to more acutely feel all the diversity of tastes in life and enjoy them. Where an ordinary person cannot see anything, a person with a high culture of perception will find both unique taste and hidden beauty.
Second phase. Living from your own fullness. “The jewel is within me.”
Having removed useless expenses and accumulated a sufficient amount of life resources, a person begins to feel full within himself. This is a calm, pleasant feeling, and you no longer want to part with it. Then a person understands that this quiet happiness inside is the highest value. No matter how life tests him, no matter what it takes from him, no one can take away his inner states from him. And he himself would never lose them: he felt too good. He has already tasted his states of happiness and will hold on to them.
Now a person does not protect earthly values or relationships that he cannot control. He protects his internal states. He strives to completely control them, so that nothing in this life can make him unhappy.
There are no universal recipes for happiness; each person creates his own. For the most active and resourceful masters of happiness, the world always creates the best opportunities for their research. The brighter people who live from their own fullness bloom, the more I want to cherish and protect them, so that these beautiful flowers continue to decorate our world.
Now I would like to interpret the well-known wisdom a little differently: “if you want to change the world, start with yourself.” Of course, to change the world for all people, the efforts of one person will not be enough. But the world can change its attitude towards the person himself. It’s like a mutual feeling: a person fell in love with life, and life fell in love with him. And she turned to him with her best features. This mutual feeling results in very strong, productive alliances.
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