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Scientists have found that tattoos kill

Scientists have found that tattoos kill Scientists have warned that more research is urgently needed into the long-term health effects of tattoos after new research suggests they may increase the risk of lymphoma.
About a third of Americans have at least one tattoo, according to 2023 Pew Research Center surveys. However, very little is known about the long-term effects of tattoos on our health.
In a new study from Lund University in Sweden, researchers analyzed a group of 11,905 participants to find out whether tattoos could affect the risk of developing lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that starts in the white blood cells.
“We identified people diagnosed with lymphoma using population registries,” Christel Nielsen, who led the study, said in a statement. “These individuals were then matched with a sex- and age-matched control group without lymphoma. Study participants answered a questionnaire about lifestyle factors to determine whether they had tattoos or not.
“After taking into account other important factors such as smoking and age, we found that the risk of developing lymphoma was 21 percent higher among those who were tattooed.”
The exact mechanisms behind this association are still a mystery, but Nielsen believes it most likely has to do with the way our bodies react to tattoo ink. “We already know that when tattoo ink is injected into the skin, the body interprets it as something foreign that shouldn’t be there, and the immune system is activated,” Nielsen said. “Most of the ink is transported from the skin to the lymph nodes, where it is deposited.”
Because of this, the team expected that people with large tattoos would be at greater risk of lymphoma than those with small tattoos because their bodies have more ink to react to. However, size didn’t seem to matter.
Editor’s Note from The Big The One: The older generation of our readers probably notices the world’s craze for tattoos every summer with more and more surprise. This reminds us of the situation with various kinds of priceless Chinese goods. 
When choosing some crap in a store, from clothes to computer peripherals, an experienced eye immediately cuts off the crazy Chinese hands: they shove a backlight into sneakers, a compass into a mouse, and add a fan to a backpack stitched with rotten threads. This is done for a simple reason: if you don’t have the quality of a normal manufacturer, decorate the product with all sorts of crap for the sake of it.  
This is approximately the same situation with tattoos: you can start going to the gym and in five years you will look like a Viking, or you can draw a couple of runes on your face and everyone will think that Ragnar Lothbrok is scratching down the street. And if you get a tattoo on your legs, then they will look at the tattoo, and not at the fact that the legs are short and crooked like Tatar sabers. 
A completely separate issue is the influence of tattoos on the psyche and life. Tattoos have been used since ancient times by shamans and warriors, somehow enhancing contact with certain spirits. But when the brainless begin to engage in this practice, everything can end either in jumping off a bridge or in a mental hospital. 
Now the bright adherents have compiled statistics on lymphomas and were surprised, after which they attributed everything to ink, which most likely has nothing to do with it. And if the bright adherents also made statistics on mental hospitals, they would be even more surprised. Spirits don’t like to be played with or disturbed. 
Nevertheless, and as we know, the fashion for tattoos appeared for a reason, someone is imposing this fashion. It is unlikely that the goal is for people to die from cancer – the goal is deeper and larger. And since the world is coming to an end, we will soon find out this goal, so we are following the development of events.
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