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Three days of cleansing streams of Light

Three days of cleansing streams of Light

My dear ones, a powerful cleansing stream of Light came tonight.
This Divine energy is designed to wash away a wide variety of blocks and obscurations from the subtle bodies of people. It dissolves them and even knocks them out with its flow.
Energy washes all energy channels, chakras, all subtle bodies of people. Therefore, do not be surprised if you feel subtle light work within yourself.
In those parts of the body where you have strong blocks, it may ache. And in some places it vibrates and buzzes due to an excess of energy.
For example, energy blocks, like darkening in organs, create unpleasant sensations and discomfort in them. Only after liberation from them does lightness and airiness occur in the body.
When blocks are washed out of the energy channels in the arms and legs, in the spine, you can feel that an unusual torsion is taking place. It can seem to twist the palms and feet. This is how dark spots are washed out.
Increased sensitivity may also appear in the chakras. Especially in those where energy will begin to work actively.
If you do not have strong blocks inside, you take care of your energetic state, then energy will flow through you softly and gently. You will feel an additional surge of strength, like a Divine charge.
Is there any way I can help myself?
Where you feel blocks, like traffic jams, preventing energy from passing through, visualize that a flow of Light is washing away and cleansing them. A powerful wave of energy removes all obstacles on the way.
Sleep and rest, meditation and practices to help the body also help a lot.
The cleansing flow of Light will work on our planet for about three days.
Be sure to thank him for his help and support!
Thank the Light forces that work with this energy. Many Light beings help people channel these currents through themselves.
You can contact these Light Helpers if you find it difficult to accept these energies. Ask them to help you, to harmonize the subtle work of powerful streams of Light.
Live in the Light and Love of your Divine being!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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