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Low Energy Cleansing Practice

Low Energy Cleansing Practice

My dear ones, when on powerful energetic days we begin to work with our subtle bodies, negativity often comes straight out from within.
And you may feel strange emotional outbursts, almost out of nowhere, a restless internal state, disharmony, negative obsessive thoughts…
When they help cleanse our subtle bodies, various blocks, illusions, and all kinds of obscurations begin to be pulled out of us from the deepest levels.
This is necessary to free up even more space for the Light inside. This is an aid in awakening your Divine being.
How can you help yourself? How to align this internal state and facilitate the process of liberation from negativity, transformation?
My dear ones, you can use a very simple energy practice.
When you feel that some kind of negativity is bursting out inside you, it’s heavy from it, then help yourself and free yourself from this low energy.
Visualize how you take this dark clot out of yourself, directly pulling it out. Ahead of you is a shining snow-white ball. And you attach this dark energy to it and wind it around it like a spool of thread. And all the energetic dirt will gradually come out of you.
This snow-white ball will help you not only draw out low energy, but also transform it into Light so that it does not harm anyone. And you will feel much better. It was as if a burden had been lifted from the Soul and it brightened inside.
My dear ones, do this practice when you are having a hard time. When you feel that some kind of negativity is just bursting from within. Remove it, transform it into Light.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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