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The sun began to shoot giant prominences

The sun began to shoot giant prominences A filament of magnetism more than 400,000 km long has just broken off from the surface of the Sun (May 23, 03:00 UT). This happened just hours after we predicted the eruption was coming:
The eruption was relatively weak, but images from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory suggest it created a “canyon of fire” in the sun’s atmosphere. This usually means the CME will exit the mouth of the canyon. Will it hit the Earth? We don’t know yet.
Comment from the Editors of The Big The One: Whether the CME hits the Earth or not doesn’t really matter, since the direction there is clearly not in our direction and if it hits, it will only be in passing. The problem there is completely different:
And this was yesterday:
As you can see, after a series of flares on May 8-12, the Sun began to shoot giant prominences that fly out of the star almost every day, although light adherents write about this no more than once a week. 
Giant prominences 250 million miles long on the Sun certainly happen from time to time, but never before at such a frequency. This means that something is wrong with the star, that some changes continue to occur there.
Most likely the reason for what is happening is the arrival of a new star, a twin of the Sun, into the solar system.
The result of this stellar diumvirate will be the world transformed into Venus, which will happen before 2028 so we are following the development of events.
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