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What is the transition to the vibrations of the fifth-dimensional Earth

What is the transition to the vibrations of the fifth-dimensional Earth?

You begin to see yourself, the world and everything in it differently, in a new way, and you even wonder why you didn’t notice this before.
People who strive for the Light gradually raise their vibrations and at some point reach the invisible border of transition, like a step into a new reality. Then they make a quantum leap: a powerful expansion of consciousness and a transition between subtle worlds.
And in an instant, everything around them and their whole life becomes different.
You look at the sky and cannot stop admiring its beauty and depth. You are surprised by everything around you: the sun, trees, flowers… as if you are seeing them for the first time.
You breathe in the air and feel the joy of just being, just breathing, just living…
You feel space. It’s alive! There is energy all around and everything is definitely woven from them. Everything is in constant motion.
You feel part of the All. Not in meditation, not in practice, but directly in Life.
You feel God with your whole being, you feel him in everything.
The world has changed, it has become different… And you feel some kind of unearthly grace… Happiness just to be…
People achieve this internal transition when day after day they raise their vibrations, open up from within, and develop spiritually…
But the streams of Light that are now pouring onto the Earth also help. They cleanse humanity, awaken, transform… The quantum transition is actively underway!
And already now, on very powerful energy days, people are making group transitions to a new dimension of the Earth and awakening people en masse.
But sometimes such help comes to people when they are shown the New World of the Earth, as if they are being prepared for it or are being introduced to it. It’s as if you peek into it and feel its beauty, feel like you are part of the All and know God in everything.
This is how they give you an incentive to move towards the Light! They show you how you can live!
A person makes a full quantum leap when he is ready to live at high vibrations. When can hold the inner Light and shine for everyone.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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