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May 14

Father Absolute – Two realities (Mental component of the three-dimensional matrix)
May 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to our conversation about the reasons why humanity cannot escape the captivity of the three-dimensional matrix in which it has been for more than one millennium.
In addition to the reasons that we have already talked about more than once, there is one more – a hidden reason.
And it lies in the fact that this matrix itself is not just an energy structure, but also has a mental part.
And now I will tell you about it in more detail.
To some extent, it can be compared with psychotronic weapons, which globalists have been using for many decades to introduce the programs they need into people’s minds.
But the difference between them is the scale of the impact on people.
If psychotronic weapons are used locally – in crowded places to instill in them certain thoughts and emotions, then the three-dimensional matrix already covers your entire planet.
As for the energy component of the matrix, its vibrations are practically unchanged and are at the frequency of the third dimension.
But its semantic part is periodically subject to correction depending on the needs of Dracoreptiles in certain historical periods.
And this correction was carried out by the Dracoreptilians of the highest caste, living on the subtle plane of the Earth.
With the help of the pyramid of power they built, new semantic concepts were introduced into society through the Dracoreptilians under their control, embodied in human bodies, as well as the Reptilians, who occupy key positions in almost all power structures on Earth.
By and large, this is exactly how programs of the three-dimensional world were created, consisting of certain thought forms and the corresponding emotional “feeding” in the form of energies of the third dimension, which were constantly generated by the three-dimensional matrix.
As a result, the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of your planet were under the constant influence of this “monster” created on a subtle plane, holding the consciousness of people captive.
And only very pure and ancient souls managed to escape from this captivity, for which they often had to pay with their lives.
But now the time has come for a mass exodus from this artificially created energy and mental structure, which is the three-dimensional matrix, and the liberation of people’s consciousness from this centuries-old captivity.
And next time I will tell you what you need to do for this.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 14, 2024
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