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May 14

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Broken Web)
May 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to offer you a practice that will begin your release from the shackles of the three-dimensional matrix.
Let’s call it “Broken Web”.
The name is symbolic in the sense that the three-dimensional matrix really resembles a web in which insidious “spiders” – Dracoreptiles – hold the souls of people, influencing their consciousness, and therefore depriving them of the freedom to think independently.
The embodiment of this “web” on the physical plane is social networks, in which people themselves provide all the information about themselves to invisible “spiders” – Draco-Reptilians and Reptilians, embodied in physical bodies and spreading their networks throughout the world.
As you can see, my dear ones, everything that happens on the subtle plane, one way or another, always finds its reflection in the physical world.
My messages have already spoken more than once about how important it is not to succumb to fashion trends and not to be a member of any social networks, which makes you vulnerable energetically and physically.
But now the time has come to get rid of the subtle “networks”, which is the three-dimensional matrix, which will clear your consciousness of all alien thoughts and emotions that have been artificially imposed on you for many centuries.
So, let’s move on to the practice itself.
It consists of several stages: meditation, practice and a new habit.
We will start with meditation, which will start the process of freeing your consciousness from the programs contained in the three-dimensional matrix.
To do this, put reliable protection on yourself, call on all your Heavenly helpers and enter a fairly deep meditative state.
Then try to visualize your Earth as clearly as possible, entangled in dense networks consisting of hexagonal cells.
These networks contain energy information “packets” that are continuously “broadcast” to the Earth.
And each cell of these networks is a “relay”, which greatly enhances the emotional and mental impact of these “packets” on the consciousness of people located inside the three-dimensional matrix.
These “packages” contain mental attitudes, colored by those emotions (energies) that the Draco-Reptiles require to implement their plans.
From time to time they change their “settings”.
So, depending on the situation, they can increase the degree of aggression, fear or some other negative energy, and sometimes, on the contrary, reduce it.
After you see with your inner vision and, most importantly, feel the “filling” of the “nets” placed for humanity, begin to burn them with the help of the Energy of the Great Central Sun.
Remain in meditation until the flow of energy dries up.
This meditation is global in nature and will benefit not only yourself, but all of humanity.
And it’s better if you do it more than once.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 14, 2024
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