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The path of the creator

The path of the creator. Feel like a Divine Spirit

Author: Ekaterina Alikina

May 18, 2024.
Greetings, dear Creators! How to get to your true self, understand yourself and your true desires? Let’s figure it out.
It is no secret that we have all been under the influence of the energies of the world imposed on us for a long time and under the dogmas imposed on us by society.
Religious movements have always instilled in us that you are a servant of God, only God can determine your life for you and give only what you deserve in his eyes. And the main thing is that you are initially sinful and you must always curry favor with the strict uncle in heaven in order to earn your place in heaven after life. And for this, you on Earth must always limit yourself in your desires, observe the laws of God and not forget your dependence on God.
And these paradigms are so deeply ingrained into our subconscious, and we unconsciously monitor ourselves – just so as not to sin.
And in fact it is very difficult to get out of these restrictions and become truly free. But the goal is justified.
– Once you realize that you are truly free, you feel like something more.
You let in the energies of the Spirit, connecting with it, you realize your Divine principles, and your connection with the Creator, a particle of him – his projection on Earth.
You begin to look at the world through the eyes of the Creator and already see where and how it needs to be changed so that it becomes more convenient for you. It’s more convenient for your life, first of all. And you feel the power to change it.
When in meditation you rise above yourself and look at yourself from above, you realize that you are in a human condition; you cannot rise and look at yourself like that. And you are actually the one who cannot be touched, but only felt by the energy, the conscious energy of the Spirit.
– At this moment you realize that you are the Spirit, the immortal – which has always existed independently of your body.
But in order to be on Earth, you once chose your shell to become a participant in the game called life. And below you see your physical shell, your vessel, through which you feel all the beauty of physical life on Earth.
Your Spirit actually rejoices at that moment of your awareness of yourself – who you really are. Finally, he reached the goal of the game on Earth – he passed the level of three-dimensionality and the next level is ahead, where, in union with your human consciousness, he can begin the magic of creation.
Human consciousness, in view of its thousand-year experience of reincarnating lives on Earth, will help him create something truly interesting and unique – a new world where he, in human form, will already be happy to enjoy this happiness, abundance, prosperity. To feel joy and delight again. And therefore, he will always be in co-creation with himself – you as a person, serve himself – you as a person, provide all his wonderful properties as a creator and fulfill all your cherished desires, so that you acquire your true happiness.
In short, your Spirit wants more than anything to see you happy and will always help you on your journey. So take him as your ally and assistant.
There is no need to pray to him, day and night, as they were taught in church, he is not that Deity separate from you. – He’s just here, just call him, turn to him, and he will happily connect with you and start helping. He will be in you.
How to connect with your Divine Spirit?
– Stand in a quiet place. Close eyes. breathe deeply and calmly, listening to your breathing, remove all thoughts.
Imagine that a portal opens under your feet from which a stream of energies comes from the depths of the center of the Earth, penetrates into you through your legs, rising higher and higher, through you, exits through the top of your head and rises higher and higher and connects with the oncoming flow coming from above. energies of the creator. – From the source of Light and Love, which is high above you. It is somewhere out there, deep in the Universe – where the Central Sun of the Universe is.
Now imagine that these streams of energy pick you up, and you slide up along them and quickly rise higher and higher!
– You are flying up the portal of strong, bright energies!
For a complete feeling, you can add the sound “OM” – the mantra of connection with Divine Energies. Sing it as you exhale, quietly, as long as possible: a-o-u-mm-mm… with your internal vibrations, which lead your body to flight (to the feeling of flight)
At the same time, you feel an extraordinary lightness, a feeling of soaring, ascension…
– Stay in this state as long as possible – slide up, don’t be afraid, you won’t fall.
Now mentally look down. And down there you will see your body… It happens that it is very far below. And then you realize that your consciousness is no longer limited to it.
– You are high above the body. Realize this moment – you are looking at yourself through the eyes of the Spirit.
– You are the Spirit!
Secure this state with a statement, Slowly say, feeling the vibrations of the sounds:
– I am!…
– My human Self, my Higher Self, My Divine Self – Here and now!…
– I – Am – the Divine Spirit present on Earth in the human body.
At the same time, you feel how rays of Divine energies emanate from you of your own Light and expand you, your boundaries blur…. Feel your limitlessness and merging with the entire Universe.
Stay in this state, look at the stars around you, you can reach each one with your hand, look at the planets, the Sun, the Earth, they are so small – look from the center of the Universe, feel your merging with the Creator. feel his love and great trust in you.
Now begin to descend until you feel your body on the ground.
Open your eyes – you will immediately feel that you are looking with the eyes of your Spirit, with the eyes of eternity. Light comes from your eyes.
You now look at everything differently, through the eyes of the Creator, through the eyes of your Spirit.
You can look at yourself in the mirror at this moment. -You will see a completely different creature in front of you. Take a closer look at your eyes and you will see a glow emanating from them.
Remember these sensations, they will help you easily connect with your immortal Spirit whenever you need.
Give him a place inside you where you will feel him better. Feel its energy of warmth, security, divine love, special peace and self-confidence – where the best light comes from you.
– Perhaps this is the internal section of your “Solar Plexus”, the point where earthly and divine energies connect in you.
– You can also feel it as your base, like a very strong diamond rod, along the spine, which always supports you – this is your main support.
Or it completely fills your entire physical body, and a radiance emanates from you. Every cell of yours is inspired by the energies of your Spirit. The cells of your body now begin to live according to its laws, replacing their old earthly DNA with Divine DNA, filling themselves with Universal health and immortality.
But the main thing is that you already understand that you are powerful, now everything is possible for you!
And try not to forget this. Now try to perceive all life situations, everything that happens to you, with whom you communicate, what you say… from the Position of the Spirit, from the position of Eternity.
And some problems will already seem so insignificant and easily solvable to you, because your Spirit will always tell you how to get out of them, perhaps only by the fact that they are simply not worthy of your attention, since there is a completely different world in front of you, and completely different tasks and goals.
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