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There is more and more news about a new pandemic

There is more and more news about a new pandemic and an imminent water shortage

As many eschatologists now think, the world has either already entered the last 7 years of its existence, or is somewhere in the middle of this time period. This is indicated by the pandemic/treatment of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, which strongly resembles the beginning of World War III, events around Israel, weather/climate anomalies, seismology and much more.
Now the next stage should be famine, problems with water and, most likely, a new pandemic, so that there is a reason to start a new treatment campaign, from which no one will turn away. This makes us closely monitor any messages that hint at the beginning of such a scenario. And there are such messages. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an alert Monday calling on water systems to take immediate action to protect the nation’s drinking water from cyberattacks.
According to the EPA, recent federal audits found that 70 percent of U.S. water systems inspected did not fully comply with Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, possible consequences of cyberattacks include interruptions in water treatment and storage, damage to pumps and valves, and changes in chemical levels to hazardous levels. Australia reported its first human case of bird flu on Wednesday in a child who authorities said was infected in India but has fully recovered, while another highly contagious strain was discovered at an egg farm. . 
“This is the first confirmed human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Australia,” Dr. Claire Looker, the state’s chief medical officer, said in a statement. According to her, this is the first time the H5N1 strain has been detected in a person or animal in the country.
Early laboratory tests showed the virus was an as-yet unidentified H7 strain that likely originated from wild bird populations and had previously been observed in Australia, said Graham Cook, Victoria’s chief veterinary officer.
One infected person is, of course, not yet a new pandemic, but the trend is already clear: yesterday a farmer in the USA was infected with bird flu, today a child is in Australia who came from India, tomorrow news will come from India that a hundred people have fallen ill there.
Moreover, the news about bird flu also carries another component – a sharp increase in prices for products from poultry farms, where birds began to be slaughtered in the millions. This is, of course, not global hunger yet, but a step in the right direction. 
Some terrible hackers attacking water supply companies – this, of course, also means the disappearance of water from the Earth. However, today the EPA simply issued a warning, tomorrow they will begin to turn off water in megacities for a while, and the day after tomorrow they will introduce new rules for saving water, gradually accustoming people to the “new normal.”
 New norms have recently begun to be introduced that are mind-blowing, but whether there will be more – above we briefly outlined the eschatological perspective, so we are following the development of events.
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