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The lies people tell themselves

The lies people tell themselves (and it costs them happiness)

If you say you have never lied to yourself, then you are lying. You’ve probably believed some false things about yourself for years. This could be a negative lie about your self-worth or an inflated view of yourself. Either way, this lie could cost you your happiness.
These lies we tell ourselves can be small or huge. In any case, finding the truth is not always easy either.
To become better people, we must face our misconceptions.
So here are the common lies that people tell themselves that end up getting in their way.
1. “If I could only ___, I would be happy.”
Go ahead, fill in the blanks. What have you told yourself you need to achieve before you can be happy? Is it being married? To get a better job?
Well, no matter what you tell yourself you have to do, it won’t satisfy you. The lie is that we humans are rarely satisfied. We move from one achievement to another, thinking that we can satisfy this never-ending desire, but we don’t. Instead, maybe we should just practice being happy in the present.
2. “I don’t regret anything.”
Even when you’re proud and say you have no regrets, deep down you know it’s not true. And regretting things from the past is not the same as regretting where you are in life now.
Here’s why this lie is harmful: if you never regret anything, you won’t be able to grow from your mistakes. And from the moment of no regret, you give yourself permission to not care about what you do or what you say.
3. “I don’t have time for anything.”
One of the most common limitations we place on ourselves is time. We never have time to visit friends, we never have time to work on projects, and we never seem to have time to vacation either.
While you may tell everyone that you don’t have time, this is also one of the lies people tell themselves. If you want to achieve something, you will find the time. Your dreams are not unattainable, and when you think they are, you are definitely not happy.
4. “I’m always unlucky.”
One of the common lies people tell themselves is that they are unlucky. in fact, you are neither lucky nor unlucky. For example, in the lottery, winners are born thanks to statistics and chance. Chances are you won’t win if you play the lottery.
So to say that you are unlucky when you don’t win something is just stupid. Yes, you are unique, but you are just as unique as anyone else when it comes to this thing called “luck.” If you base your life on the luck you think you have, life will disappoint you.
5. “I never had a chance to live.”
Look, that’s simply not true. Although your life may have been traumatic, it wasn’t all bad. There was someone along your path who gave you a chance to be better, to achieve more, and to heal. Of course, there weren’t many such people, but I’m sure there was at least one.
You had a chance at life and you still have it. Telling yourself these lies will only make your negativity worse. And if you don’t get any more chances, it might be your fault.
6. “I can’t live without ___.”
Once again fill this gap for me. What or who do you think you can’t live without? Now tell me, do you really think your life would end if this person or thing disappeared? No, it will not.
Have you invested too much energy in others, to the point of obsession and codependency? If you’ve been doing this for years, you may feel like you’d die without them.
Here’s the truth: There is nothing and no one who could ever control your life to that extent. You can overcome anything or anyone with the power of healthy thinking.
7. “I am who I am.”
While this may sound like confidence, be wiser. There is a difference between self-confidence and stubbornness. Saying, “I am who I am,” shows that you are not willing to change or improve.
It means saying “yes” to procrastination, tardiness, and bad character. And these are just some of the excuses for bad behavior. As you can see, the lies people tell themselves can sometimes masquerade as a personality trait.
Marina Karaseva
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