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May 13

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Children will save humanity)
May 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize our conversation about children as the most powerful incentive for uniting people on your planet.
Unfortunately, it is children who have become hostages of the current situation on Earth, which leads to the degeneration of humanity.
But at the same time, it is they who will save humanity from the final fall into the abyss prepared for it by the globalists.
When information about the terrible crimes that were committed against children by the Dracoreptiles and their puppets in power for centuries becomes public, people will be so shocked that they will look at everything that is happening with completely different eyes.
Having seen what these “monsters” in power did to small and defenseless children, they will finally understand what awaits them: that the ruling elite will stop at nothing to fulfill their plans to enslave humanity.
This is starting to happen now, but while the official media is in the hands of globalists, millions of people still remain in the dark about what is happening to children on your planet, and what appears on this topic in alternative sources is perceived by many nothing more than conspiracy theories.
Now, behind the scenes of your history, there is a continuous struggle between the Dark and Light Forces, both on the subtle and physical planes of the Earth.
And the worst thing is that children are “bargaining chips” here.
Dark Forces feed on their energy during satanic rituals performed on them, and Light Forces save their souls and bodies from this hellish captivity.
Not the whole truth will be revealed to humanity, since the psyche of most people is not ready to accept it – this truth is too terrible and inhumane.
But even what will be revealed to people will completely change the consciousness of the vast majority of the Earth’s population, which will be a powerful impetus for the reversal of the entire world history towards a return to universal traditional moral values.
Against this background, the essence of the transgender policy pursued by many states, as well as attempts to legalize pedophilia and other sexual perversions, will be revealed.
In other words, revealing the true attitude towards children on the part of the ruling elite will begin to unravel the tangle of all the hidden and overt crimes committed against children at all levels and in all areas of your life.
And the prerequisites for this already exist: thousands of doctors, scientists, lawyers, psychologists, human rights activists, and simply honest and reasonable people have collected a huge amount of evidence about the harmful effects of vaccines on children, the transgender agenda, about depriving them of a full-fledged education, about the impact on the psyche of children gadgets that replace them with full communication with each other, and much, much more, which we have already talked about more than once.
All this is ready to be presented to the public, but is being restrained in every possible way by criminals at all levels of government.
But when this information blockade is broken, the collected information will fall in a powerful stream on people’s heads, quickly changing their consciousness and opening their eyes to all the crimes of the ruling elite without exception.
And your role, my dear ones, will be to disseminate the truth as much as possible among your surroundings, thereby accelerating the process of turning humanity towards Light and Love.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 13, 2024
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