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Message from the Angels of Light

Message from the Angels of Light

Channeling: Yulia Dosikova

We, the angels of light, greet you!
We have descended to your levels to speak and bring you bright truth and truth from heaven!! Everything will be fine!! A great time of change and amazing events is coming!! May your hearts be filled with light and joy that descends on you from heaven! We are here, we are present, and we are in the fields of everyone who reads these lines!! We want to open and mark new dimensions, dimensions and states for you, based on your illusory choices… the whole world is an illusion, and many of you know this firsthand… and we are not talking about a direct simulation or a computer game, we are talking about your inner illusions and beliefs created deep in your hearts! It’s time to open these gates and look through them and see the truth within, within yourself!! Sometimes it hurts to tear yourself away from the flow of superficial illusions, but it does not make you happy, and this flow is not you at its source, in its pure form!!
Oh, if you could see how beautiful a person is at his source, this is just a sight for sore eyes!! Each of you shimmers with such beautiful colors of the rainbow!! But for some reason, you have put on these dark clothes of illusions that you are not and stubbornly convince yourself that this is the true you…
We love you immensely, and how happy we are that we can convey to you this enormous truth that everything is simple!! It’s very easy to become yourself!! It’s very simple to remove the illusion and turn off the simulation, or as you say the “stirrer” in your head!! You just have to want it!!
Send your inner request to the source, which is located in each of you, you call it “from the bottom of your heart,” ask! And we will pass on these requests and help them be heard!!
Now is a unique time!!!
And everyone who believes will receive everything he believes in, and this faith is unchangeable!! And it will be so forever and ever, because the new gates of truth are open for you!!
May praise be given to each of you who is ready to enter these gates and cleanse your soul and mind from superficial things, from false programs!! And we will help!!!
We love everyone!!! Remember this!! We are here, we are close!! We are always with each of you, whether you touch us or not. And may the requests of each of you reach the ears of God, and allow us to be your mediators!! May love come to the heart of each of you, may the light of truth and goodness light up in it in all its beauty and splendor!!
We love you! Be with us, believe and we will guide you along such a thorny and difficult path where no human has gone before! And you can!! And for you it will be in goodness, love and joy!
Let it be so!!!
Your angels, archangels and saints, representatives of all layers from the lowest to the highest, are ready to serve you and interact with everyone in their allotted time and according to their desire!!
We are always there and ready to support! Ask and you will be rewarded!!
Those who should and who are closer will come to everyone, this is the uniqueness of time and point in space!
Ask!! Ask unconsciously (without realizing who you are directly asking for) and we will come to your aid, in the quantity and composition that will be available at the time of the request for everyone!
Let it be so!
Believe, we are with you!!!
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