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Three Days of Darkness could occur as early as this summer

Three Days of Darkness could occur as early as this summer

Over the past decade, thousands, if not tens and hundreds of thousands of people, in one form or another, have received one or another revelation about the onset of three days of darkness, which happens incomprehensibly when and for incomprehensible reason. And today another video with such a revelation appeared on Natalia Gubina’s channel, which you need to pay attention to for the following reasons. 
Firstly, Natalya tells some interesting details that we have not seen from anyone else anywhere. So she was shown that three days of darkness would come not because the Sun would disappear somewhere or be covered by something, but because the Sun would rise one morning, but then very quickly go below the horizon again, as if some kind of short polar storm would happen. day. Sunset will be in the South. This allows us to think about changing the Earth’s rotation axis. 
Secondly, Natalya says that she was shown some kind of huge planet next to the Sun. Apparently it causes the “polar night” for 72 hours. 
Thirdly, and as always, it’s interesting to read what people write under the video:
@elenazachariasblank9654: I had the same dream when we were on vacation in Greece in 2022. In the dream, the Sun rose and set. And this happened 3 times. The sun did not give bright light, but seemed to be at the stage of dying. The sun did not rise high and set in the South.
@user-tc4is7rp9d: Hello. I also had a similar dream. I stood at the school with my husband among a large crowd of people and all the people were looking at the sky. And darkness fell in the sky. The sun disappeared, as if there was an annular eclipse, only a circle of fire was visible.
Finally, fourth and most important. Natalya is a real sensitive person, much of what she voices comes true. Moreover, some of her vangs seem to have a “short shoulder,” that is, everything predicted does not happen sometime in 300 years, but in a few days.
For example, on the eve of the attack on Israel by the Shiites, Natalya warned only two days in advance. In the middle of the night she heard the sound of a shofar, which made her wake up, and immediately interpreted this sign correctly: they say, watch out for Israel, something will happen there. Therefore, if Natalya talks about three days of darkness today, this does not mean, of course, that everything will happen tomorrow, but definitely soon, so we are following the development of events.
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