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May 7

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Inertia of Thinking)
May 7, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about some phenomena inherent in the three-dimensional world that you have to get rid of.
One of them is your habit of explaining every event in your life using matrix patterns that are already firmly entrenched not only in your own consciousness, but also in the collective consciousness of humanity.
What are these patterns?
First of all, this is a judgment about something or someone from the standpoint of a dual perception of reality: good-bad, good-evil, strong-weak, right-wrong, fair-unfair, etc. and so on.
This view of the world has already become ingrained in your flesh and blood, as most of you have incarnated on this planet for thousands of years.
And, perhaps, this is precisely what is the stumbling block for many of you on your path to Ascension.
Although in theory you already know that you should approach all events in your life and every person you meet with an open mind as an outside observer, not everyone can do this yet.
Therefore, today I want to give you some practical advice, which will consist of directing your thoughts and emotions in a different – no longer three-dimensional – direction.
So, if the thoughts of an ordinary person flow in a single direction, created by a three-dimensional matrix, and flow into the “river” of the collective consciousness of humanity, in which these matrix patterns are concentrated, then now you will have to make an effort so that your thoughts find their own “channel” and flow already in a different direction.
How can you do this?
By cultivating a new habit in yourself – stopping yourself every time you want to think by inertia about events in your life or the life of your country and the planet as a whole.
Remember more often that the inertia of your thinking is the same matrix “gear” that was launched by the Dracoreptiles so that all your thoughts and emotions go in circles and are not able to break out – beyond the boundaries of the three-dimensional matrix.
In the three-dimensional world, such thinking is usually called rational, which is based on logical reasoning.
But, as you already know, it is this type of thinking that completely excludes the voice of your Soul, which is initially irrational, since most often it is guided not by human laws, but by Divine expediency both for yourself and for all humanity.
Therefore, every time you feel that you are reasoning the old fashioned way – according to your usual patterns, mentally turn to your Soul, focusing all your attention on the sixth chakra.
If you have already learned to use the chakra scale, then you can easily determine by vibrations which thoughts are the product of a three-dimensional matrix, and which are your own, prompted to you by your Soul.
The former vibrate at your lower chakras, while the latter vibrate at the sixth and higher chakras.
At first glance, it may seem that this approach is akin to self-control, but in fact there are some differences here, since now we are not talking about controlling your momentary thoughts and emotions, but about your opinion about some global events and phenomena, which is already gaining a completely different scale.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 7, 2024
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